Chapter 31: School Supplies

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George POV
4 days had passed and Tubbo was getting a lot more comfortable with the other guys.

I was able to leave him with Karl, Nick and Clay without him needing me.

My mum had gotten him into the same school we went to since he was old enough for the first year of high school.

I felt more comfortable having him go to the same school I did so I would be able to keep an eye on him.

Starting school meant buying new equipment and getting school bags.

I still had most of my stuff but Tubbo needed new things.

We were all back to school tomorrow which meant the others were going home today.

Clay's mum came to take everyone home while my mum took Tubbo shopping for school supplies.

I used my time alone to deflate the mattresses in the living room and find my school stuff.

I honestly didn't know how to feel about going back, I didn't know what to expect either.

A lot changes in a year and I still need to learn what I've missed.

I know myself that I'm not in a good place but it's not something I'm ready to talk about.

I don't want to speak about it, not unless I really have to.

I know I will have to at some point but that's not now.

While I had the place to myself I decided to get some cereal to stop the constant hunger.

Just one bowl won't hurt right? I tell myself as I add the milk.

I sit down with the cereal and milk still out and start eating, not feeling great about it but my stomach seemingly enjoying being fed.

One bowl soon enough turned into 4 until I finally stopped myself eating, putting everything back.

I felt disgusted with myself but I no longer wanted to hurl or pass out.

I tried to look on the brighter side of things. I'd get to see Wilbur and Tommy again as well as some other people.

I would also have to see Fundy, I wonder what he's like now.

I also wonder what happened between him and Clay. Did Clay break up with him or did something happen?

If Fundy hurt him like I thought he would he is going to so regret it.

I went upstairs into my room, closing the door behind me and sitting on my bed.

It had been a few days since my dad said he was on his way back to see me, it shouldn't be long until he's here.

Tubbo POV

I liked George's mum, even though I felt guilty about liking her since I missed my mum.

She was kind to me and if George trusted her I knew I could too, he was always good at telling me who to trust and who not to.

They both had already done so much for me, going back to school reminded me of her but in a good way.

I hoped I could make some friends tomorrow and that the people were nice.

"Hey Tubbo?" She asks and I look up from the back seat of the car.

"Yeah?" I ask, playing around with all the school stuff we just bought.

"Can I ask you a question about George?" She asks and I give her a confused look.

"Shouldn't you ask George if it's about him?" I question and she gives me a faint smile through the mirror.

"He's not really speaking to any of us about what happened or what he's going through" she frowns and I felt bad.

"Okay you can ask me" I say, sitting further upright and waiting.

"What was he like?" She asks, even though I could tell by her tone she had more than one question.

"He was all over the place, he tried smiling when he was with me but even I could tell it was forced. He looked after me though, kept me safe" I smile guiltily knowing I could've stopped some of the punishments that happened.

"What about you? Did he hurt you?" She asks and I think for a moment.

"Yeah, but George stopped him whenever he could, It was usually him that got the punishments" I say, noticing that we're almost at the house.

"Do you think you could try talk to him at some point? Convince him to talk to us?" She asks as she pulls up to the house.

"I'll talk to him, thank you for the school stuff" I smile and take them inside with me.

I carry them up the stairs and into my room, putting them on my bed.

I go into George's room and see him on his bed with earphones in, he notices me and takes them out.

"Hey Tubs, did you have a good time?" he asks, getting up and walking over to me.

"Yeah! I got my school stuff, are you ready for school tomorrow?" I ask, taking him into my room to show him what I got.

"Uh yeah about that, I wanted to give you this" he takes a phone out of his pocket and hands it to me.

"It's my old phone but I cleaned it down, it only has some phone numbers, I want you to be able to reach me no matter what" I give him a hug and open the phone up.

"So far you only have mine,  mum's, Clay's , Nick's and Karl's but feel free to add other peoples when you want" he faintly smiles.

"Thank you!" I was so excited to go to school now, I just didn't know how to feel about meeting new people without George there.

"Mum's now making food okay? So it'll be done shortly" he smiles before closing my door.

That's twice he said mum without saying my mum, is he referring to her as our mum?

I sat on my bed and put my stuff in my new school bag.

So this is what it's like to have a proper family.

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