Chapter 109: Alcoholic Slushies

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Karl POV

It had probably already been over an hour and our hands were full of bags.

I don't know who considered me the most responsible but I ended up carrying the bag with alcohol.

"Oh my god these are so heavy" Sapnap complains.

Quackity smiled as he somehow got away with carrying nothing.

"I told you to be careful with what you buy" I roll my eyes at him.

"What did we even buy?" Quackity asks.

Okay so maybe he wasn't carrying anything because he decided to start drinking already.

"Some things from that costume shop" Sapnap answers.

"Oh yeah and those nerf guns from the toy shop" Quackity smiles as he makes gun fingers.

"Look the car is just there" I point out and he runs ahead.

"Tonight will definitely be interesting" Sapnap laughs.

"Who do you think will last the longest?"

"Definitely George but I think I'll do a good job keeping up with him"

"Well I mean everyone knows Dream doesn't drink so he's not gonna last very long"

"Wait is Bad not going to drink? We need someone to take us home" I ask.

"I think we're gonna get Jack to pick us up, I'm not sure thought because Bad was sorting all that out earlier"

"But we aren't all going to fit in the 7 seater"

"We're just gonna have to squish" He smiles and opens the door for me.

"Finally! We have just enough time to get there" George says as he pulls us inside.

The door closes and the music starts blasting as soon as we put our seatbelts on.

Alec Benjamin - Jesus in LA

George POV

After parking and taking our bags inside with us we let Bad deal with the public speaking.

"Guys we're in lane 4" He says as he walks up ahead.

We follow behind him and take a seat, putting our bags down and getting comfortable.

"I'll put the names in" Bad says as he goes up to the machine.

"I'll go get us some slushies, George you still like blue one right?" Sapnap asks.

"Yeah" I smile and feel Dreams hand resting on my thigh.

I look at his hand before looking up at him. He was having a conversation with Quackity.

"You guys should make sure you have the right bowling balls here" Bad reminds us.

"I'll go find some, does anyone know what number they usually use?" Skeppy stands up.

"No idea"


"I'll help" Karl offers and follows him.

"I need to pee, I'll be back" Dream says before disappearing too.

"George" Sapnap calls and waves me over. "Help me with these slushies" I grab what I could to help and take them back to the table.

"I started a tab so we only have to pay at the end"

"Right what alcohol did you guys choose?"

"I'm drinking raspberry vodka" I say as I open a bottle, carefully pouring it into the slushy.

"I just got normal vodka" Quackity says as he adds his.

"I got whatever the hell this" Sapnap says as he holds up an unbranded bottle of alcohol.

"Oh you are going to be wrecked by the end of tonight" I laugh.

Everyone knows that unbranded alcohol is the most deadly.

I use the straw in my drink to stir around the alcohol before trying it.

It tasted really good.

Dream's slushy was a mix of red and blue. I poured some raspberry vodka in but not too much since it was going to hit him pretty quickly anyway.

I mix his up as Bad joins us, making drinks at the table and trying to make little to no mess.

"We found some good balls" Karl perks up as him and Skeppy place them with the other balls.

Sapnap couldn't contain his laughter as he nodded at him.


"But I didn't say anything-" Sapnap protests as Dream walks back up to us.

"Your drinks are done and we're ready to bowl" I smile at him as he sits back beside me.

"Don't worry I didn't make it too strong"

Yeah but I will next time.

I watch as he tries his drink along with some of the others, the only one pulling a face being Karl since Quackity and Sapnap made his drink.

I can only imagine how strong they would've made it.

"Go Bad it's your turn to bowl" Sapnap complains as plays with the straw in his mouth.

He gets up and figures out which ball is right for him before walking up to the alley and bowling it.

It swerves right but knocks over 5 pins.

"Who do you think will get a strike first?" I ask Dream who looks around at everyone.

"I have never seen any of you go bowling but I have a feeling it's either Sapnap or Bad"

"I'm going to get a strike now"

"And what if you don't and either Sapnap or Bad get it first?"

"Are you trying to make a bet with me?"


"This better not be anything dirty" I smile at him.

"If you get a strike first I'll do whatever you want for a day, and if Bad or Sapnap get a strike first you have to do whatever I want you to do for a day"

"Dream it's your go" Sapnap breaks our conversation.

"Deal" I say as he stands up.

I watch his hands grip onto the ball and my stomach drops.

I take a big gulp of slushy and immediately regret it as it goes straight to my head.

Here we go again.

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