Chapter 53: Excuses

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Karl POV

"So I'll meet you back at mine yeah?" Sapnap asks, his car pulled up outside my house.

I had asked my mum if we could talk and she said yes.

"Yeah I don't know how long I'll be but your house isn't too far from mine" I faintly smile.

"Good luck" He smiles.

I get out of the car and close the door, then walking up to the door and knocking.

Once my mother opens the door I hear the car start behind me.

"Karl come in, I just made some food if you're hungry" She beams, closing the door behind me.

"No that's alright, I was hoping to speak to you about dad" I say, sitting on a stool in the kitchen.

"Oh right yes okay, what's on your mind? Why'd you decide to move out?" She asks.

"I didn't move out mum, Dad kicked me out, he gave me this bruise-"

"Do you want anything to drink?" She cuts me off, opening the fridge.

"No mum I don't want a drink- didn't you hear me? Dad has been abusing me"

"Your father has been under a lot of pressure lately.." She looks down to the floor, refusing to make eye contact with me.

"Are you making excuses for him? Did you know he was hurting me?" I ask, the silence answering enough of my question.

I get off the stool, turning to get my phone.

"Karl wait- I'm sorry, I love him" She frowns, taking my hand with tears in her eyes.

"So it's not the fact that you don't believe me, you just love him more"

"Karl it's not like, you're my world I would do anything for you" She starts to cry, making me feel guilty.

"I shouldn't be scared at home mum, that's why I'm going to be staying with Nick and his family" I say, confident that I'm making the right decision.

"Okay...I'll work on your father, I love you okay? I just want you to be happy" I give her a smile smile.

"I want that for you too mum, but in order for us to both get what we want dad needs to go, and until then I'm not coming home" She gives me a small nod and wipes her eyes.

"I understand, thank Nick and his family for me won't you?"

I smile and embrace her in a hug, not letting go.

"How's George doing by the way? I haven't seen much of him since he got back" She asks, still holding onto me.

"Not sure, he still hasn't spoken to anyone but I'm pretty sure the police are at his house right now" I say and she breaks out of the hug.

"What why? Are the paparazzi now going to their house?" She asks and I shake my head.

"His dad worked with Schlatt apparently, one of the people that hurt George, I don't know how badly" I explain and her face turns sour.

"That explains why he disappeared for so long, I should probably give George's mum a call"

I give her a small nod and sigh.

"I better get going, I love you"

"I love you too" She gives me a small kiss on the top of my head.

I give her one final wave before leaving the house, noticing Sapnap's car still there.

I walk over and get into the car, startling him.

"I thought I heard you leave, why're you still here?" I ask.

"I was about to but I couldn't help but worry so I just sat out here, put your seatbelt on" He says, putting his own back on as I follow suit.

"How'd it go anyway?"

"She knew about my dad, she's just protecting him, we're on good terms I think but I made it clear that I can't live there while he's still in her life" I explain, hearing the car engine start.

I wasn't lying but I also wasn't going to admit how much it hurt to know that she could've prevented it all.

I was mad at her but that doesn't mean I don't love her.

"That sucks but you made the right decision, besides we get to hang out more now" He gives me a warm smile that I return.

"Isn't next week our last week until we all do online studies instead?" I ask and he nods.

"That gives us all so much more free time" I smile, then feeling a hand on my thigh.

"What do you wanna do when we get back?" He asks, my hand desperate to touch his.

"We could just play Minecraft for a little while, I do need to sort out my clothes though"

"I'll clear some space for your clothes and stuff, you can borrow some of mine if you ever need to" He offers and I feel my face heat up.

My stomach was doing somersaults and my breathing was no longer steady as I exhaled a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Yeah sounds good, I might take a shower before we do anything" I say as he pulls up to the house.

"That's fine, I'll bring us some food upstairs while you shower, also my mum wanted to know if you wanted to take the sofa or stay in my room"

"Your room" I say, watching the smile on his face grow.

"I thought so, come on let's go inside"

I follow him out of the car and inside the house, his dad the only one home since his mum went out.

"The towels are inside my bathroom, I'll bring your things upstairs as well" He says, splitting off from me.

I make my way up the stairs and over to his room, locking the bathroom door behind me.

I wonder how George is getting on.

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