Chapter 52: Emergency

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George POV

I wake up to the sound of rustling coming from the others who were gathering their things next to me.

I open my eyes and see Dream next to me on his phone, giving me a warm smile and putting it away.

"Morning Georgie, how'd you sleep?" He asks.


I pick my phone up and realise I had missed calls and messages from Tubbo.

Tubbo: He's threatening me George

Tubbo: Come home I'm scared

Tubbo: George? Why won't you answer?

I close my phone off and get up, quickly grabbing my bag.

"Why're you in such a rush?" Sapnap asks as I put my shoes on.

"Emergency, bye guys, thanks for yesterday Bad" I say as I quickly dash out the door.

I start walking and take my phone out, letting Tubbo know I was now on my way back home.

A car drives up beside me and the passenger door flings open.

"George get in I'll drive you home" Dream says and I climb inside.

"You didn't have to come after me but thanks" I say as I put my seatbelt on.

"So what's the emergency?" He asks and I receive another message from Tubbo.

Tubbo: Call the police before you get here

"Can I explain everything to you later? I need to make a call" I ask, about to use my phone when I realise it doesn't have much charge.

"Yeah of course"

"Can I borrow your phone? Mines about to die" I ask and he passes me his.

"Thank you" I say as I open it to the password, putting in his old password but it not working.

"What's your new password?" I ask.

"Your birthday" he says and I type it in, the phone unlocking.

I go straight to the phone and dial the number, putting the phone to my ear.

Once I finally get through I ask to speak to the police and wait a few more rings until I get out through.

"Uh hi this is Georgenotfound and I was hoping you could help me" I start off, noticing how we were getting closer to the house.

"George! Yes how can I help you?" The officer asks.

"I'd like to report someone of sexual abuse and home abuse please, and for someone to be sent to my house immediately"

"Who would you like to report? We have people on the way now"

"Liamnotfound, my father" I say, the words getting caught in my throat as Dream pulls up to the house.

"Officers are on their way now"

"Thank you, I better go" I say, hanging up immediately, guilt sitting in my stomach for some unknown reason.

"George?" Dream questions me, concern and worry laced in his voice.

I take off my seatbelt and get out of the car, walking straight inside with the sound of footsteps behind me.

"TUBBO?" I shout, seeing my mum in the kitchen cooking food and my dad in front of her.

"Ahh there's my little boy" he laughs, walking over to me.

"Don't touch me" I say as I back away from his open arms.

"Come on I've missed you, you've hardly be home" He smirks.

I give Dream a pleading look and he seems to understand as he stands in front of me.

"Where's Tubbo?" Dream asks.

"He's on his way home with Tommy" my mum answers.

"I thought they were staying here?" I ask.

"They did but then they left this morning" My dad responds.

"I'll go help my mum, Clay why don't you catch up with my dad?" I suggest, walking over to her.

"Sure" He smiles, taking my dad into the living room.

"Mum the police are going to be here soon" I whisper.

"What? Why?" She asks, putting down the food she was holding to look at me.

"To take dad away, he was one of the people mum" I say, tearing up.

"What do you mean one of the people?"

"He worked with Schlatt mum, He- He-" I feel tears fall from my face as she embraces me.

"We're going to get through this okay? Do you hear me?" She pulls out of the hug and holds my face in front of hers.

"Everything will work out the way that it should" We were both crying, red and blue lights pulled up to the house.

4 policemen walk into the house, armed and ready as they approach the living room.

"Liamnotfound you are arrested anything you do or say will be held against you in the court of law" One of them say as they handcuff him.

Tubbo and Tommy walk into the house, both out of breath as the look at the scene unfolding.

"You know the promise, you're both fucked" He spits, sweat forming on his forehead.

The police take him into the car, one of them staying behind.

"You 2 need to come with me, we need witness statements to backup the story" She says, pointing to Tubbo and I.

"I'll take Tommy home, you can call or text me later I'll wait up" Dream smiles and I nod.

"Alright, Tommy is your brother at home?" I ask and he nods.

"Yeah he is, why?"

"Let him know I'll give him a message later" I say as I follow Tubbo outside to the other police car.

We both get into the back and follow the car in front of us.

I hope Karl is doing better than I am.

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