Chapter 27: Restaurant Talk

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George POV
We got seated in the corner of one of their biggest tables. The waitress handed us all a menu and left us to decide on what we wanted to order.

I saw a table set up with crayons and colouring pages so decide to pick one up. I sit back down next to Tubbo and hand it to him, letting him entertain himself whilst we look at the options.

After a few more minutes we order our food, then sitting around the table as we wait.

"So what should we do when we get back?" Alex asks, putting his phone back into his pocket.

"We can just play games and stuff I guess" Zak shrugs, messing about with the sauces on the table.

"Well I guess we could, anything to pass the time really" Clay then agrees, slouching back in his chair.

Everyone goes back into their normal conversations, once again I sat there feeling as though I couldn't fit in.

I felt sick knowing I was going to have to force some food down me, but luckily I didn't get too much.

Part of me just wanted to go back to school, feel somewhat normal again but that's never how it works.

I was still missing my dad. He hasn't come to see me since I've been back and I don't know why.

That was when I decided to take my phone out and message him.

George: Hey Dad, it's George, where've you're been? I've been wanting to see you

Dad: George! I was out of the country but got a call from the police about your return

Dad: I'm taking all the flights I can to come see you, I hope to see you soon.

George: Sounds good :)

I put my phone back in my pocket and look up at the table. Karl gave me a small smile "Everything good?" he asks.

"Yeah" I say, giving him a small nod and turning to look at Tubbo.

He looked like he was going to fall asleep once he had eaten.

Another 10 minutes pass and our food starts being delivered along with our drinks.

The table falls quiet as people start to eat, the only noise being the sound of others talking and the cutlery tapping against the plate.

I pick up my fork and stare at the chicken and chips in front of me. For a dead bird and potatoes they were pretty intimidating.

I took a deep breath and decided that I would deal with the consequences later, chewing the food in my mouth.

I look over at Tubbo and see that he's managing his child sized cheeseburger just fine.

Everyone else seemed to also be enjoying their food whilst mine just did not sit right in my stomach.

It wasn't that the food was bad, it was only because I was used to not eating or only drinking liquids.

"There's my doll, all dressed up and ready" Schlatt purrs, walking slowly up to George who stood staring at himself in the dirty mirror. "Whose a good boy for not eating anything today? You're getting so much prettier" Schlatt smirks, placing his hands on George's hips and biting down onto his neck, enough to draw blood.

Schlatt moves his lips closer to George's ear "Much more fuckable now that you aren't fat and eating your weight in food" Schlatt runs his hands down and holds them on George's barely existent stomach. "You ready to be fucked raw today pretty boy" Schlatt grabs the rope and ties George's hands together, leading him into the basement.

I snap out of my thoughts as I feel myself starting to sweat. Instead of taking my hoodie off I just pull the sleeves over my hands and the hood over my head.

I had hardly eaten half my plate but it was so much more than I could handle.

Luckily Tubbo was starting to fall asleep on me which gave me somewhat of an excuse not to eat anymore.

"I should get Tubbo into the car, he needs a nap when we get home, here's the money to cover the bill" I say, putting the rest of the money my mum had given me on the table.

"Don't you want to finish your food?" Nick asks and I shake my head, picking Tubbo up carefully and walking out.

"Hey wait up!" Clay says, passing the money to Nick to handle and catching up with me.

"You didn't have to come with me you know" I say, walking up to his car.

"You need me to unlock the car genius" Clay smiles and uses his keys to unlock it.

"Alright smart ass" I roll my eyes with a smile poking out my lips.

I open the door and get into the back seats, laying Tubbo down half on me and half on the other seat.

Clay sits down on one of the seats in front while we wait for the others to finish eating and pay.

"So is Tubbo like your brother now?" He asks, looking down at the sleeping boy.

"Yeah, I spoke to my mum about it. We're gonna get him a bed and a room and everything set up for him" I say, faintly smiling at Tubbo's peacefulness.

"So you guys are like really close?" He asks, his gaze now adverted to me.

"Yeah, give him a little time, he warms up to people easily he's just..a little clingy at the moment, he's not used to this kind of environment" I say, looking up to see Clay intently listening.

"That's cool, he seems like he would be a fun person" he smiles and I nod.

"He can be very energetic, he's also really easy to talk to when he gets comfortable, I think he will be comfortable with the rest of you soon enough" I say, knowing how friendly Tubbo can be.

"Who do you think he will warm up to the fastest?" Clay questions and I take a moment to think.

"Honestly? I think either Bad or Karl because they're just the most approachable" I respond, then hearing the voices of the others get louder.

"Am I not approachable?" Clay pouts, making a sad face.

"Not when you make a face like that" I shake my head, watching as he gets out and goes into the drivers seat.

The others piled into the car and got their seatbelts on. Thankfully they kept their voices down during the drive so Tubbo could sleep.

I couldn't wait to get home and throw up the food that sat so heavily in my stomach.

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