Chapter 97: Mute

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Sapnap POV

George had passed out not long after his panic attack, to say it scared me was an understatement.

Seeing him in that state and not knowing what to do freaked me out.

I moved him off the floor, laying him back on the sofa after putting his joggers back on.

I took a blanket out of Dream's room, they took a break from working since both boys were worrying about George.

I sat on a different sofa to him, I didn't want him to wake up and freak out about my presence.

He looked so peaceful sleeping, although with his outburst in mind it didn't feel like it.

I knew George had his demons, we all do.

We always spoke to each other about our issues to cope, whereas George done the opposite.

I wanted answers but I didn't want a repeat of last time considering he was then gone for a year.

I keep myself entertained in my phone, occasionally looking up at George.

After half an hour he started to stir awake, opening his eyes and looking around.

I put my phone away, sitting up and looking over at him, I didn't know how he was going to react.

"Hey.." I start.

He gives me no response as he pulls the blanket closer to his face.

Now what the hell am I supposed to do.

"Do you want me to get Dream?" I ask and still get no response.

His expression was blank, it was impossible to read what he was thinking or feeling.

George POV

I had gone mute.

The shock of everything put me in a state of paralysis.

It wasn't unusual to me, it happened many times considering I had to be quiet all the time.

My body still felt tense, I didn't know what was wrong with me.

I wanted a hug but the thought of one right now also terrified me.

Sapnap looks up from his phone to glance at me.

"I told Dream I'd let him know when you were awake"

I give him a small nod before holding onto the blanket tighter, realising I had my joggers back on.

I small smile tugs at my lips before disappearing at the sharp pain from my thighs.

Forgot about that for a moment there.

It wasn't long before I heard the door swing open.

"George! Oh my god you scared me" Dream walks up to me as Bad follows not too far behind.

The room falls silent.

"He's been like that since he woke up" Sapnap adds before Dream holds a hand out to me.

I wanted to take it, feel his hand in mine but my body didn't move.

I couldn't move.

"What's wrong Georgie?" He asks and I feel water pooling in my eyes.

I hide my face with the sleeves of the hoodie.

I didn't have enough energy for another breakdown.

"Why don't we work in the living room?" Bad offers and Dream nods.

Bad leaves the room to get their stuff from the bedroom as Dream turns back to me.

"Can I touch you? I promise I'll be gentle" Ignoring every bone in my body telling me not to I nod, hiding my face away from his with my hood up.

I feel his hand on mine, rubbing circles on the back of my knuckles.

I try my best to keep calm but I couldn't, my breathing sped up before I finally pulled my hand away.

What the fuck was happening to me?

"George?" Dream sounded hurt and worried at the same time.

It reminded me of when Karl and I first met properly in the hotel.

"Maybe we should take him to a hospital, he should probably be on medication" Bad suggests as he walks back in, the thought made my insides knot.

"He doesn't want that though" Dream says, crouched in front of me.

"It'll help him get better" Bad adds.

I wanted to tell them that I was fine, that I don't need medication.

I wanted to tell them they were being idiots, taking the situation too seriously.

I wanted to apologise.

"We can talk to his mum, I'm sure she wouldn't mind" Sapnap finally speaks up.

"But we don't know what the problem is or what medication he should take" Dream says, a frown still apparent on his face.

"Well anxiety and PTSD is a good place to start don't you think?" Bad takes a seat on the floor.

"I don't think now is the best time to discuss medication, come on let's do something else and let George chill for a bit" Sapnap gets off the sofa.

"Show me what you're working on" He sits on the floor next to Bad.

Dream gives me a sad smile before sitting back with the others.

I get back into a comfortable position, closing my eyes and engulfing myself in the blanket.

Dream POV

With Sapnap's help we had a solid plan. We forwarded everyone's personal notes to each individual, things like channel names and profile pictures.

Hours had flown by and we only paused for toilet breaks and food.

However George had only gotten up to go to the toilet, falling back asleep on the sofa without a word straight after.

The three of us had already set up our accounts as well as changing our other social medias.

"I should be heading off, I promised Skeppy I'd help him set up his accounts" Bad says with a stretch.

"Thanks for the help Bad" I smile, getting up from the floor before walking him to the door.

"See you muffin heads" He smiles as he waves a goodbye.

I shut the front door behind him before walking back over to Sapnap.

"Do you need a lift home?" I ask.

"I just wanna make sure George is okay before I leave"

"You can stay if you want to"

"Really?" He asks.

"Yeah we can top and tail in my bed or something"

"Alright, I'll let Karl know" He smiles before taking out his phone.

I really didn't want to show my worry for George too much but I knew I wouldn't be getting much sleep tonight.

I just hoped last night wasn't what caused it.

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