Chapter 16: Secrets

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George POV

Karl was sound asleep on the hotel bed. He occasionally tossed and turned but for the most part stayed sleeping.

I took this time to think my shit through. I knew one of the first things I needed to do was get in contact with the police. I was never going to be safe with my kidnapper still out there.

The two days I was gonna spend here was just a way for me to not rush into things. The police would want statements and a story in order to even lock him away. I probably wouldn't even be allowed out of my own house for a little while.

I missed my mum, she was the main reason I would go to the police in the first place. As I sat drawing with Karls art supplies he finally stirred awake, sitting up and wiping his bleary eyes.

"George?" He asks "Yeah?" He doesn't respond to me and instead makes his way over, sitting on the floor "Not too close...please" I say and he moves away, still close enough for us to have a conversation.

"I have a question" he says and I hum a response "Why are we in a hotel and not sleeping round someone else's?" He asks and I take a moment to think about my wording. "He wont know I'm here" I say, leaving out the part about him knowing all their addresses, not wanting to scare him.

"Whose he?" "You should get ready to leave soon, I'll go get us some toothbrushes from the front desk" I say, ignoring his question and leaving the hotel room.

Karl POV

I took a shower in the time George was gone. He came back and handed me a toothbrush and some toothpaste allowing me to brush my teeth.

I check my phone for the time, it was currently 7:40 and I still had to walk a fair while. "What are you gonna do while I'm at school?" I ask the brunette, sitting back on the floor against the wardrobe.

"Probably draw or something, Im not going to go anywhere I'll still be here" he says and I nod, putting my bag on my back. "I want you to keep hold of my phone, If anything happens while I'm gone message Callahan"

He nods and takes my phone from my hand. In all honesty I didn't feel comfortable leaving him on his own. I still didn't know all the facts but what I did know is I got my best friend back.


I began walking towards the school. It finally hit me how long and far I would have to walk. As the wind hit my skin, I remember the fact that I was still in the same hoodie as yesterday.

At least I showered I thought to myself, then realising I was going to have to keep George a secret from the others. I wasn't sure on how I was meant to do that in person when I couldn't do it over the phone.

My legs ached by the time I got to the school, I saw Callahan standing with a backpack that looked fairly heavy and I approach him, seeing the others in the carpark from the corner of my eye.

"Is this everything?" I ask and he nods, I smile and give him a hug. "If you get a message by my number, I gave him my phone while I'm here" I explain and he nods again, passing me the bag. I didn't expect it to be as heavy as it was.

I waved as he left. I could feel 3 figures begin to approach me as I try and hold the bag more comfortably. How the hell was I meant to explain this?

"Karl I thought you weren't coming in today? Are you feeling better?" Nick asks "Yeah I'm all good now" All of them staring at the bag awkwardly sitting on my shoulder.

"Whats In the bag?" Clay asks. Theres that pesky question. "Callahans lending me some clothes, Im uh- running out" I respond and Alex laughs. "I can tell, you're still wearing yesterdays hoodie" I roll my eyes at him.

"Let me help you" Clay smiles, taking the bag off my shoulder as if it was nothing. I follow them into our first class.

Georges POV

After Karl left I decided to have a shower. I step into the bathroom and run the water, the sound making me slightly jump but the water felt nice. Once I got it to warm temperature I carefully take off my black hoodie.

I look down at the bruises lined up and down my body, the hickeys on my neck still fresh enough to be seen. I take off the bottom half of clothing, once again bruising and cuts covering most of my skin.

I look at my arm where Callahan took the tracker out. It looked disgusting. I looked disgusting. Dry blood was all over my arm and It hurt. I stop looking at my body, I didn't want to see anymore cuts, bruises, hickeys or any possible scarring.

I step into the shower, even though it stung I was used to it stinging. I let the water fall down my body, though it didn't feel like it was cleaning me.

"I'm home babyyyy" Schlatt's drunken voice called out, his heavy footsteps getting louder the closer he got. George froze when his eyes landed on him. "I missed you sexy" he purred untying Georges hands from the wall.

"Lets get you clean" Schlatt smirked, pulling George into the bathroom with him. "No-no" George pleaded which made Schlatt get angry. "Fine I guess we will do it the hard way" Schlatt hisses, stripping George and himself of any clothing items.

He always kept George's hands tied up, it gave him a free range to be able to move and grab him however he pleases. Schlatt's hands travelled up and down George's body, even his lips. "Good boy.." Schlatt purred, grabbing George's neck and roughly holding him to the wall under the shower.

Schlatt lowered his head..



I gasped for air, grabbing a towel and almost throwing myself out of the shower. I sat on the toilet seat as I still struggled for air, a hot liquid falling from my eyes but I instantly wipe it away. I had no time for weakness now. I'm so close to freedom.

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