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It's early morning, we're running through the forest on our way to find that pod in hopes that we'll get there before Bellamy does.

"Should we split up?" Clarke asks, running next to me.

"Yeah, you go that way, Malin straight forward and I go thi-" I cut Finn off.

"I don't know, what if the Grounders show up, I am the only one with a gun."

"Don't worry, they won't. That gun is for Bellamy if he doesn't listen." Finn replies. We succesfully split up. Rain has started to fall down and for the first time, I'm enjoying my time on Earth a lot. I see the drop ship and Clarke walks up to it.

I run over, stopping when I see an old friend of mine. "Raven?" I ask. She looks at me and smiles widely. I run up to her, catching her in my embrace.

"Malin! You're alive!" She says loudly, holding onto me. "You're dad, he thought you died." She tells me, I smile at her when pulling away.

"Yeah well, I'm alive." Finn arrives too, calling her name and hugging her. She kisses him and I stand by Clarke. "Auch, are you okay?" I ask, knowing that she and Finn had something going on.

"I'm fine." She obviously lies. I pat her shoulder, watching the two love birds.

"How did you get here?" Finn asks her.

"You know that big scrap hold? The one on K deck?"

"You built that from scrap?"

"I kind of rebuilt it."

"Well, this is awkward." I say softly, looking at Clarke. "I didn't know Finn was her boyfriend, I never saw him on the Ark. I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault, now shut up about it before she knows." I stare at her, a confused expression on my face.

"Clarke, you two did something, didn't you?" She stays quiet. "That means he cheated, that dick." I reply, Clarke nudges my sides to make me shut up. Finn walks up to us, Clarke gives him the bag and walks up to her. I stare at them.

"Do you have a radio or something?" I ask. Raven nods and runs up to the pod, looking inside of it.

"The radio is gone." Raven says. We look at each other. It must've gotten lose during the landing, I just should've strapped it to the A-shut. Stupid."

"No, no. This is my fault." Clarke says. "Someone got here before us. We have to find him." We start running back to the forest, only hoping to find Bellamy and that stupid radio.

"Hey!" Clarke screams at him. We all follow closely behind. "Where is it?"

"Hey princess." Bellamy comments. "You taking a walk in the woods?"

"They're getting ready to kill 300 people up there." Clarke says, I stand behind her, glaring at the selfish asshole in front of me. Times of avoiding his gaze are over. "To save oxygen. And I can guarantee you it won't be Council members. It'll be working people, your people."

"Bellamy. Where's the radio?" Finn asks.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I pull out my gun, pointing it towards his head.

"Wrong answer, listen up you selfish dick, you took our only way to talk to the people on the Ark and if you don't want me to shoot you, you're telling us exactly where that is cause I have enough anger against you to do it." I tell him.

"Bellamy Blake?" Raven asks. "They're looking everywhere for you. He shot Chancellor Jaha."

"That's why you took the wristbands. Everyone would think we're dead." Clarke says.

"All that, whatever the hell we want? You just care about saving your own skin." Finn replies. He tries walking away but I stop him, almost pulling the trigger. He stops.

"Where is my radio?" Raven asks.

"I should've killed you when I had the chance."

"Funny, I've said that about you too." I tell him.

"Jaha deserved to die. You all know it."

"Yeah he's not my favorite person either." Raven says. "But he isn't dead. You're a lousy shot."

"Bellamy, don't you see what this means?" Clarke asks him. "You're not a murderer. You always did what you had to do to protect your sister." I scoff. "Malin, take the gun away."

"He almost killed me the other day, Clarke. He kicked the boxes away." I scream, holding the gun against Bellamy's head.

"Yeah, but you're not like that. Malin, you're so much better than that." My hand shakes a little, a tear rolling down my cheek.

"What is she talking about?" Raven asks but Finn hushes her. I look at Bellamy, slowly lowering the gun.

"You're right, I'm not a selfish rat, where the fuck is the radio?" I ask him.

"It's too late." Bellamy replies. "I dropped it in the river." Clarke, Raven and Finn walk away, getting more people to help find that radio. I get stopped by Bellamy.

"I'm sorry." I scoff, turning around.

"You think I care about your apologies? I understand Murphy, you get that? We were hung up, for something we didn't do. Yet when it came to that bitch, you protected her. I hate you and I will never forgive you for trying to kill me!" I walk away, back to camp and making my way over to my friends.

"Monty, Raven Reyes has come down and Bellamy threw the radio in the lake, anyways, we may have another chance on talking to the Ark if we bring that radio in."

"Raven has come down?" He asks.

"You know her?"

"We worked in engineering together, I've seen her around some time." Monty explains, I nod.



Everyone is helping wherever they can to shoot some rockets up in the sky so we hopefully can alarm the Ark that we're still alive. I have been helping Raven everywhere I can, silently hoping that we'll be in time. The pink colored rockets are ready for launch.

Istand in between Jasper and Monty, all of us looking up at the sky which soon will be painted with rockets. Suddenly the rockets launch, many together and leaving behind a pink trail, they make their way up to space, everyone cheers.

"This looks a lot like those movies we used to watch where people kiss on New Year's Eve." I say, staring at the pink colors.

"I remember, we used to have movie marathons at night and eat a whole lot of snacks we had gathered over the past month." Jasper replies, smiling a little.

"Good old times." Monty adds.

"Please be on time." I whisper as I look at the rockets. They have to, they do.

Promise me - Jasper JordanWhere stories live. Discover now