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I quickly cut down the seatbelts, making Bellamy fall to the ground and hearing the hatch close. The door to the dropship opens. Jasper, a couple others and Octavia walking inside.

"Come on Bellamy, breathe." I say, looking down at him. He suddenly gasps for air, coughing a little when he does. I sigh out in relief, feeling Jasper's arms around me as he hugs me.

"We need to get that bullet out, now." Jasper says, I stop him, smirking.

"What bullet?" He frowns, taking off the fabric of my shirt and seeing just a small cut wound which already stopped bleeding long ago.

"How?" Octavia asks.

"When Murphy shot, he missed. I cut myself making me look injured and weak, then I stabbed him right before the idiot kicked the chair. I immediately cut Bellamy loose."

"You're amazing." Jasper says, making me smile.

"Thank you." Bellamy tells me, I nod. We hear an explosion coming from the top. Bellamy gets up, going to the hatch and opening it after some time. Jasper follows quickly. I get up from the ground.

When they come back down, Jasper takes my hand and pulls me outside. I have learned not to ask too many questions so I just run with him. Everyone is at the wall. Finn and Clarke run inside.

"Thank God." Jasper says, hugging Clarke. "Where have you been? Where's Monty?"

"Monty's gone?" Clarke asks.

"Clarke, we have to leave now." Finn adds. "All of us do, there's an army of Grounders unlike anything we've ever seen coming for us now. We need to pack what we can and run."

"Like hell we do." Bellamy replies. "We knew this was coming."

"bell, we're not prepared." Octavia says, joining the conversation.

"And they're not here yet. We still have time to get ready. Besides, where would we go? Where would we be safer than behind these walls?"

"There's an ocean to the east. People there will help us." Finn replies.

"You saw Lincoln." Octavia states.


"You expect us to trust a Grounder?" Bellamy asks.

"You expect us to fight a war? We're kids." I tell him.

"This is our home." Bellamy screams. "We built this from nothing with our bare hands. Our dead are burried behind that wall, in this ground. Our ground. The Grounders think they can take that away. They think that because we came from the sky, we don't belong here. But they're yet to realize one very important fact. We are on the ground now. And that means we are Grounders."

People cheer, I grab Jasper's hand, wanting nothing more than to just get out of here for a minute. Clarke jumps in.

"Bellamy's right." She says. "If we leave, we may never find a place as safe as this. And God knows, in this world we could be faced with something even worse tomorrow. But that doesn't change the simple fact that if we stay here, we will die tonight. So pack your things. Just take what you can carry. Now." People start doing just that.

"Help me." We hear Raven say. She limps inside, her side has been shot. We run up to her.

"Murphy shot her." Jasper states.

"We don't have water left, Murphy kicked over the bowl." Bellamy says, picking up Raven.

"Without I can't say she'll make it." I look at the guns and take one.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Bellamy asks me, I sigh.

"Getting water."

"Have you gone out of your mind? There's a Grounder army out there, they will kill you." Bellamy says.

"Raven is dying already, I'm gonna get that water and be back before night falls, promise." He overweighs the options for a moment and ultimately nods, I smile turning and standing face to face with Jasper. "Jas-" He places his goggles on my forehead.

"Promise me."

"Alive and in one piece, promised." He nods, kissing me before letting me go. I take the gun in my hands, running to the wall and leaving the camp. I've got a whole make-shift bucket with me, I just have to find the river real quick. My mind is racing, hopefully I don't walk into a Grounder.

I forgot how far away the river was in the first place, not even sure if I'm heading the correct way. It would've been a lot easier if I just had Finn with me or Alec cause he too knew where everything was. My legs are slowly giving up, I had been exhausted since I didn't get much sleep the past days.

I stop for a moment, hearing heavy footsteps. I must've been out here for a couple hours now, luckily it was still morning when I left. The footsteps get heavier. I handle quickly, climbing up a tree and holding the gun close to my chest.

A minute later, countless Grounders run underneath me. All on their way to the dropship. Shit. Warning them would be useless knowing how they are faster than me. All I can do is pray and hope that they'll find away to win the war that's just a couple hours away from them.

When I'm sure the last Grounders are gone, I climb back down, running to the way they came from and hopefully finding the river...



Promise me - Jasper JordanWhere stories live. Discover now