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"Murphy, I know you can hear me." Bellamy says through the walkie talkie. Jasper has his arm around me, we've been here for a few hours. "All our ammo and food's in the middle level, you know that. You're leaving us vulnerable to an attack. I can't let that happen."

"Yeah, well, in case you haven't noticed, you're not exactly in control right now." Murphy replies, picking up the walkie Jasper had before.

"Come on, Murphy, you don't wanna hurt Jasper let alone Malin, you wanna hurt me." Jasper looks up at the boy next to us. My mind shortcuts to when he killed Conner, I didn't tell anyone back then either, as a matter of fact, I probably should've. "So, what do you say? How about you trade them for me? All you have to do is let them go and I'll take their place."

"I don't know if you noticed but there's two here and you're just one." Murphy replies.

"Get Jasper out." I say, he looks down at me.

"No, no you're injured. I'm not leaving you here." Jasper replies, I look up at him, a cheeky smile on my face which only he can see. Jasper looks down at the wound which already had stopped bleeding. I hug him, having the chance to whisper in his ear.

"Murphy wouldn't hurt me, he would hurt you." I whisper softly, remembering when Murphy 'shot me' he looked shocked for a moment.

"Malin." Jasper whispers. I pull back, shaking my head.

"Simple, you open the door, I walk in and they walk out." The door of the dropship opens, Murphy takes Jasper away from me, holding the gun towards him. I nod at my boyfriend who seems to be really against this idea.

"Just you, Bellamy, unarmed!" Murphy screams. "Ten seconds or I'll put one in Jasper's leg." He starts counting, my heart racing. Please come. Bellamy walks inside, Jasper gets pushed out, the doors closes again.

"That wasn't the deal, I said both."

"They had a choice and Malin wanted her boyfriend free." Murphy replies, Bellamy sees the wound.

"Have you shot her?"

"She was in my way." Bellamy wants to walk up to me but gets stopped by Murphy's gun. Murphy shoots again, not intending on hitting anyone like before. "Do what I say."

"Murphy." I say, making him groan. "Don't do this, I hate Bellamy too but this is not the way."

"No?" He asks, laughing softly. "Weren't you the one who let me get away with killing Conner because you witnessed that one too." Bellamy looks at me and I sigh. "He hang us both, Bellamy kicked the boxes, when he's dead I finally got all the hypocrits."

"I get that, cause remember Murphy, I was there too." I say, getting up from the ground and leaning against the wall. "But I also know that revenge is not gonna make you feel better."

"Shut up! Or do you want another bullet inside you?" I raise my hands in surrender, keeping my act with the pain.

"Bellamy? Bellamy are you okay?" Octavia's voice comes through the walkie.

"You want her to know you're alive, start tying." Murphy says.

"Bellamy do you copy?" The leader takes the walkie immediately.

"I'm fine. Just a misfire. Stop worrying about me and get back to work. All of you. Tell Raven to hurry her ass up."

"All right, that's long enough." Murphy says, pointing at the robes. "Tie those two ends together." I take the knife in my pocket out, having free game since Murphy still thinks I'm injured badly. I watch as Bellamy is done. "All right, now get up and toss it over."

Bellamy gets up, tossing the tied together seatbelts over the beam on the ceiling. I slowly walk closer to Murphy, trying to get close enough to stab the shit out of him.

"What do you want me to say?" Bellamy asks. "You want me to apologize? I'm-" Murphy clicks the gun ready. "I'm sorry."

"You got it all wrong, Bellamy." I stop, holding onto the ladder next to me, looking at Murphy. "I don't want you to say anything. I want you to feel what we felt, and then.." He pauses. "Then I want you to die." I pause too, the memories of that day coming back.


"You should be happy, Malin. I'm getting justice for the both of us."

"I never asked you to do that." I reply, hearing my voice tremble. Yes Bellamy has made me angry so many times and yes I would love to see him hang but not like this, not now.

"I know." Murphy says. nodding at Bellamy to hurry up. "Drag that chair over here." Bellamy does without hesitation, knowing he would be shot if he didn't. "Stand on it." I watch as he does, waiting for more instructions. "Put it over your head." Bellamy holds onto the seatbelts, looking at me now.

"This is insane." Agreed. "The Grounders could-" Murphy shoots to the door shutting Bellamy up.

"Put it over your head." I can't say anything, knowing Murphy wouldn't appreciate it and he's still the one with the gun. Bellamy puts the seatbelt loop over his head, around his neck.

"Happy now?" He asks. Murphy tights it, making Bellamy stand on his tiptoes.

"Murphy it's fine now, let's just stop now we still can."

"Shut up, he did this to you too, you should be happy." He turns back to Bellamy. "You're so brave, aren't you? I mean you came in here thinking you were gonna turn this whole thing around. That you were stronger than me, that maybe one of your friends would come and help you. Well, what are you thinking now, Bellamy? Hm?"

Murphy tights the ties just a little bit more, walking up right in front of me, perfect. Bellamy gasps for air, as Murphy ties the robe.

"You know, I gotta hand it to you, Bellamy. You got them all fooled. They actually look up to you. Almost as much as they look up to Clarke. Yeah, but we know the truth, don't we?" Murphy asks. "You're a coward. I learned that the day you kicked the crate from underneath us." I swallow.


"Isn't that what you said?" He asks. "That you were just giving the people what they wanted. Right? By letting us suffer, Malin almost died that day." A tear rolls down my cheek, remembering the pain.

"I should've stopped them."

"Funny how you got Malin to still side with you for a long time, how she didn't do this earlier." I look away, avoiding eye contact with Bellamy. "Cause really, you have thought about this too, haven't you?"

"Yes." I reply honestly.

"You and I are the exact same, Malin." We hear someone, probably Raven shriek. Murphy starts shooting the floor until the gun blocks.

"You and I are not the same, Murphy. You are already are a killer, I yet have to become one." I reply, lifting the knife and stabbing Murphy's leg making him scream, he kicks the chair from underneath Bellamy's feet and starts climbing up the ladder. It's a choice, either I follow Murphy or I help Bellamy.

Promise me - Jasper JordanWhere stories live. Discover now