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The day had started out depressing, Wells was found dead and nothing anyone could do about it. He was one of my closest friends. Often times we would chill on the Ark, he would talk to me when the whole thing happened with Clarke and now he was dead.

For the time being, I didn't show up too much, hiding away in the tent Octavia and I shared and keeping guard every once in a while. As for now, I'm walking towards the graves. Nobody's here, I walk over to Well's grave and sit down in front of it.

"Hey buddy." I whisper, trying not to cry. Clarke has been absent a lot too, only showing up whenever she needed, we're both wrecks. "I miss you." A small pause. "I'm sorry Wells." Without me being able to contain my tears anymore, I break down. "I'm so sorry."

I feel two arms around me, looking up through my blurred vision from the tears I see Monty. I bury my head in his chest, his hand against my head and rubbing softly. I clam my hands on his shirt, holding onto him as if he would disappear if I didn't.

After a while I calmed down, my tears have stopped rolling down, my breath finally going back to normal. I sigh, wiping away the tears and realizing how pathetic I am being. I pull away from Monty, looking down at the ground.

"I'm sorry." He sighs, shaking his head at my words.

"You don't have to apologize for crying, Malin. That's normal." I nod softly, not meeting his eyes out of pure embarassment.

"I should've been there." I say softly, my hand resting on the dirt covering Well's body. "He came down here to protect Clarke and me but I didn't protect him. Hell I didn't even talk to him much, I have been a terrible friend and now he's gone because of me-"

"Hey, stop that." Monty says firmly, cupping my head with his hands and turning it so I have no choice but to face him. "This is absolutely not your fault." He smiles softly, wiping away the wet stains that remained from the tears. I lean forward, putting my arms around his neck and hugging him.

"Thank you, Monty." I whisper against his ear. He chuckles, rubbing my back.

"For what?"

"For being here for me. It means a lot." We pull away, staring at each other.

"I will always be here."


We sit in the dropship. Monty and I were simply chatting when Clarke suddenly walks up to us and sits down in near us.

"You need a wristband? Take mine." She says, holding it out for Monty to take. The confused boy and I share a look before he takes Clarke's arm.

"Are you sure about this? Your mom..."

"Yes, I am sure. Do what you have to do." Even I am taken aback by her sudden cold tone, I put my hand on her shoulder.

"Is this about Wells?" She pauses for a moment, looking down before nodding.

"I hated Wells because I thought he got my father killed. Meanwhile the one I should've been hating was close to me all along. I just want her to feel it." I nod understandingly. She nods at Monty who snaps open the wristband.

"Yes. I did it." He breathes out, holding the open wristband in his hands. "It's still operational." Clarke smiles at him before getting up again. Monty continues to work with the wiress. Before anything else, I pull Clarke into a bear hug.

"We really should be there for each other more." I tell her. "I'm sorry for not talking to you much." She shakes her head, pulling away.

"I should be there for you, you're younger than me." She strokes my hair. "Are you okay?" I nod, she smiles and looks at Finn.

"Go, I'll be fine." I tell her. She nods and walks up to him. I turn back around and immediately get pushed a tool in my hand by Monty. I take it and sigh, snickering softly. Everything is getting a little better.

"My mom thinking I'm dead is just temporarily." Clarke tells Finn.

"Not if I can't patch it through the drop ship mainframe." Monty suddenly says, turning to look at the three of us. "I can do it. We'll be talking to the Ark by nightfall." I nod at him.

"Mecha! Come on, you have to keep guard!" I hear John scream, a satisfied smile on my face because Bellamy still hasn't dare to talk to me since I flipped him off with Jasper. I look at Monty.

"Go, I will make it, don't worry." I nod, putting the tool down. I rub my hand through his hair quickly and walk outside, letting the sunlight hit my skin. Almost everytime I kept guard, John has been talking to me. Distracting my thoughts on Wells which I am thankful for.

I continue walking, to the end of the wall and sitting down, looking around to see if I can spot any Grounders around camp.

"Is that a smile?" John asks, coming up to me with a cup of water. I nod and smile at him.

"I guess it is." He raises his eyebrows and sits next to me, looking back to make sure Bellamy doesn't see him.

"Good, you have been a little down lately. Not that I take you into account for that, of course." I understand what he means. "I like it better when you smile."

"I'm happy Jasper made it through, if he died I would've been off the deep end."

"How is he doing by the way?" John asks, looking over the wall as well, watching the sun light up the forest in front of us.

"He's fine, walking around again. He's just scared."

"Which I understand." I smile. It's weird to think that nobody likes John, sure he's been an asshole to some people but he is really nice if you give him a chance. "You're strong, Malin. Very strong."

"You're nice, why haven't you tried making friends with more people?" He shrugs.

"I'm not the best at making friends."

"We're friends." He smiles at my words.

"Yes, we are."

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