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Yesterday some of us had seen a dropship crash down into Earth, knowing that my dad could've been on there, I went with the searching team. We still had no way of contacting the Ark, their systems aren't working anymore so we can't ask who exactly those people who crashed were.

After walking for what seemed like hours, we arrive. The ground is burned, the forest around seems black and everywhere there lay parts of the dropship. I almost felt sick looking at it, Clarke, who came along knowing her mom was on here, looks around, a bit lost.

I walk past a skeleton of which the flesh around was burned until nothing was left but bones. I clam the gun a little tighter in my hands, closing my eyes for a moment and looking away from the corpse. Nobody survived, everyone's dead. I can feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Malin?" I shake it off, not wanting to face Bellamy right now. The thoughts and worries are eating me alive, what if my dad was on here? Then I'm all alone. "Malin, please talk to me."

"Bellamy," I breathe out, not knowing where I went with that sentence. I turn to face him. "Why? I don't have to talk to someone."

"You're father-"

"Don't you talk about my father, Bellamy." I reply, wanting to walk away but he stops me.

"At least I'm trying to talk to you." He tells me. "I know how you feel right now, you shouldn't bottle all those emotions up." I pull my arm out of his grip and look down. Without saying another word I continue walking, looking around to find something.

"Stay sharp." I hear Bellamy say. "Grounder retaliation for the bridge is coming. Just a matter of when."

"You blame them?" Finn asks. No, not this again. I thought we were over it, especially since I was tired of seeing Jasper so bummed.

"No, I blame you." Bellamy replies, referring to Finn.

"Maybe if you didn't bring guns--"

"If we didn't bring guns, we all would've been killed." Raven raises her voice a little. I roll my eyes at their stupidity.

"Why they're coming doesn't matter anymore." Bellamy states. "It's our job to be ready when they do. We're on our own now." Finn looks at me, oh no.

"Malin, you said it yourself. You thought we could trust the Grounders." I walk up to him and shake my head.

"No, I said I think we can trust Lincoln. I have never said anything about the other Grounders."

"Yeah, but you said you had a feeling you could trust him and I believed you. Why didn't you believe me when I had that feeling?" He asks, getting frustrated.

"Because there were literal Grounders in the trees with bows and arrows pointed at Clarke." I tell him. "You care so much about her, then why are you mad at me and Jasper for saving her life?"

"Are we done?" Bellamy asks. I smirk, finally having Finn shut up. I must admit that I don't really like him all that anymore, but I'm thankful to Bellamy for bringing me along yesterday.

"Clarke, stop!" Raven screams suddenly, running up to the blonde.

"Rocket fuel?" Clarke asks, looking down at it as I arrive too.

"Hydrazine." Raven replies, squatting down. "Highly unstable in its non-solid form."

"Sweet." I say, smiling. "Hydrazine is mainly used as a foaming agent in preparing polymer foams but it could also be used as a precursor to polymerization catalysts, pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals." When I'm done I see them all look at me.

"Next time you want to try and convince me you don't know shit about engineering, it's not gonna work." Clarke says, making the others laugh.

"What does that even mean, I don't speak smart-tongue." Finn asks, I blush from embarassment.

"If this stuff meets fire, we're all pink mist." Raven ultimately says. She gets back up, looking at the others who came along. "Fire in the hole." She screams, throwing a rock inside the crater and a second later it explodes in huge flames. "We need to clear the area."

"Okay then." Bellamy agrees. "We move in formation. No straggling. Weapons hot." We start walking towards the group. "We got to get back before dark."


We arrive at camp when it's already midnight. The moment we did, we heard someone say Murphy so, Bellamy, Clarke and I immediately ran to the drop ship where they have put him.

"Where is he?" Bellamy asks, stroming inside and walking past everyone. Murphy looks terrible, blood everywhere, big wounds all over his body, he's shaking while sitting in a corner. Poor boy. "Everyone but Conner and Derek, out." Bellamy states. I don't move, staying right there.

"He claims he was with the Grounders." Derek explains quickly.

"We caught him trying to sneak back into camp." Conner adds. I walk over but get stopped by Bellamy.

"Didn't I tell you to leave?"

"Didn't you know I don't care about your commands?" I ask back. "He's my friend."

"He's a murderer." I scoff, looking right up at Bellamy.

"Murphy didn't do anything wrong." I tell him, before he can answer, I continue. "Sure he was a real dick but so were you, we were HANG FOR NOTHING. And you let it happen, even better, you kicked the fucking boxes but when the real murderer shows up, you wanted to spare her. You are not better than Murphy, Bellamy. And you fucking know it."

"Yeah? I should've banished you too." All his words about caring for me, all this time he tried to convince me that he saw me as a little sister, I should've known. The selfish dick only cares about himself.

"I wasn't sneaking." I hear Murphy's weak voice behind me and turn around. "I was running from the Grounders."

"Anyone see Grounders?" Bellamy asks, Derek and Conner shake their heads. "Well in that case--" Bellamy lifts his weapon, pointing it at Murphy. I stand in front of him, rather taking the bullet myself.

"What's wrong with you?" This came from Finn who also immediately pushes the gun down.

"We were clear what would happen if he returned."

"No, if he was with the Grounders, he knows things that can help." I squat down next to Murphy, letting Finn and Bellamy fight it out.

"Help us? We hanged him, we banished him and now we're gonna kill him." I gently place my hand on his shoulder, John flinches. I quickly pull away, muttering a short sorry. "Get the hell out of my way."

"No, Finn's right." Clarke agrees, coming up next to me and looking at John.

"Like hell he is. Clarke, think about Charlotte." I ball my hands into fists by only hearing that name.

"I am thinking about her."

"Yeah if that bitch told everyone just about two minutes earlier, all of this would've never happened." I mumble, seeing how Clarke glares at me. "What? It's the truth and you know it."

"But what happened to Charlotte is as much our fault as his." I smirk at Clarke's words. She finally realizes it. She takes John's hand in hers, he flinches again. I rub his shoulder softly, trying to calm him down. "He's not lying. His fingernails were torn off. They torured hm."

"The Grounders know we're at war." Bellamy replies to something Finn had said. "What did you tell them about us?"


Promise me - Jasper JordanWhere stories live. Discover now