Prologue - Miriam

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Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep- I pound in my fist at my alarm clock. I groaned. School day again. I'm not a fan of early mornings. Perhaps my mom's holler reminded me to get up. "Miriam! Breakfast is ready!" My mom exclaimed. I sighed. I got out of my bed. I effort to stretch myself before my day. I'm not a fan of school days. There is one good reason to go. I got friends.

I headed to the kitchen in my pajama pants. I rubbed my eyes lots of times. I yawned. I noticed what my mom made on the dining table. "Oatmeal?" I complained. "Mom, every morning you always make oatmeal for breakfast." I complained again. "Aw Miriam, it's good for you." My mom reassured me. I sat down on my chair. "What's a point to eat oatmeal in every morning?" I added. "What about eggs or French toast or something besides oatmeal, mom?" I always wondered. I grew tired of just oatmeal in the morning. I noticed my dad left me something to go with oatmeal. "Blueberries and strawberries, Miriam?" My dad asked. I glanced at him. "It goes great with oatmeal, sweetie pie." My dad told me. My mom and dad don't seem to get about my concerns. I huffed to myself. I can't win. I made a big smile. "Thanks, Dad." I said. I ate most of my oatmeal with fruits in it. I keep adding more blueberries and strawberries for oatmeal. I can't handle plain oatmeal. I don't care if they're fresh or out of homemade jelly jars. My parents are turning me into a health nut. I really loved them. I do. I have just think they could make a menu for not just breakfast. A menu for three meals for a month. Once I finished breakfast, I headed to my bedroom to get dress. I heard my mom hollering at me for something. "Don't forget to pack your math homework and your lunch, Miriam!" My mom hollers. I rolled my eyes. I groaned again. I was perturbed. I hate math. So I changed up from my 4🌠Town pajamas to my outfit. I got my leave-patterned green pants. My green SK8R T-Shirt. My green plaid blouse. I don't always button my favorite plaid shirt. I fixed up my auburn hair. I had my hair into two braids. It was not easy. I added myself some fashion look to be awesome. My green beanie. My silver stud earrings. Most of the time, I sleep with them. It doesn't bother me. My black choker with a light green stone. I got two bracelets on my hands. A rainbow friendship bracelet on my right arm. And a light green slap bracelet on my left arm. And finally, I got a pair of white socks on. I grabbed my dark magenta slip-on shoes. I put on my left shoe first. Before I put on my right shoe, I glimpsed at my horizontal picture frame on my nightstand. I looked at myself posing a silly face. There are my three friends I go to classes together. I smiled sweetly at them. Priya with her peace hand gesture. She wears a pair of glasses. Her entire clothes are yellow. There was another girl next to Priya. Her name is Abby. She raised her left hand fist up in the air. Abby seems to be winning her battle against the bullies. Not really. She wished she can do justice for anyone who are bullied from school. Abby wears the purple clothes. She always wore her suspenders. Maybe Abby eats a lot of sugar. And lastly, there was one girl who dominates her classes at school. Our middle school. She wears what she wants. She styles what she wants. And not even once that she try to breathe. For all the time she had for herself. Oh she wore her glasses too. My dad calls me for urgency. "Hurry up, Miriam!" My dad exclaimed. I had both of my shoes on. I even effort to rush my morning. I did snatched my math homework in my backpack.

I ran to the kitchen. My dad was there. "Your mom's in the car. Just grab your lunch in the fridge." My dad mentioned. I peeked thru the refrigerator. I was confused. "Dad, last night's dinner?" I wondered. This is not my morning here. My dad took out a clear container for me. "I know it's not much. At least, your mom and I will figure out different lunch for you anyhow. Just enjoy the best of your school day, sweetheart." My dad reassures me. I shrugged. "What if my mom's salad is not enough?" I asked. My dad checks out the cabinet. Is my dad really bringing out my favorite savory snack food out? Just for me? "It's not brownies. I hope this helps." My dad aforesaid. "Aw, thanks dad. I always craved for cheddar chips." I told him happily. My dad kinda mentions something important to me. "Just don't tell your mom, okay?" My dad asks me. I nodded my head a couple times. "You got it, dad." I replied. I opened my backpack wide open. My dad packed my lunch and a bag of cheesy chips in. I zipped my backpack closed. I hugged him. "See you later, dad!" I exclaimed. My dad hugs me back. "Have fun at school, Miriam!" My dad exclaims.


My mom and I are on the way to school. Lester B. Pearson Middle School. The only middle school I go to in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Yeah, it's a humongous city. Of course, I lived somewhere around the place. My mom parked her car in front of Pearson Middle School. I faced her. My mom seemed to be friendly. Sometimes my mom was really too stubborn to do different things every day. "You're thirteen years old and you are on eighth grade now." My mom aforementioned me. I nodded my head. "Yes." I uttered. I became bewildered. "Is there any more else I should be more prepared before today?" I asked. My mom doesn't appear to worry about me. "I figured maybe you should invite one of your friends to do the math homework again." My mom suggested. I grumbled. I have not ever been so annoyed. "Mom, math is my least favorite subject of the whole middle school." I said. My mom appeared to understand me a bit. Then, my mom brought up one of my friends to decide to come over my place. "Who's that girl who carries a cute little pink electronic thing-y?" My mom wonders. I raised my eyebrow at her. "You mean the tamagotchi?" I inquired. My mom nodded her head twice. "That's the one." My mom said. I sighed. "Her name is Meilin Lee." I replied. I got out of my mom's car. "See you later, mom!" I told her. My mom looks so eccentric. Too eccentric the way I see her. "See you after school, Miriam! Try to invite your friends over for the homework group!" My mom waved at me excitedly. O.M.G. What the heck mom. What. The. Heck. My friends are not into math. Except Mei.

Well I went into the Pearson Middle School building. I headed down further to find my locker. I see Priya reading a book called Nightfall. I admired her thing with drama. Especially supernatural when it comes to vampires. Abby was arguing at a few kids for a crinkled paper. It seems like someone litter-bugged. I can't tell if she's bickering in Japanese or Chinese. Or was it Mandarin. Korean? I don't know.

Then, I was setting up my locker for today's school day. Darn that oatmeal with blueberries and strawberries. I feel like my mom is starving me to death. Good thing my dad left me a bag of cheddar chips to munch on. I was still hungry. Man, I just hope things could go better than this morning. I heard the double building doors opened abruptly. I was too distracted by eating my favorite savory snack out of the bag. The one girl with black hair came in the middle school. She was not only appeared to be so determined. I got summoned by a girl named Mei.

Next part soon!

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