Chapter 10 - The Deal

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It was close to the weekend. Our first 4-Town concert in the SkyDome weekend.

Me, Abby, Mei and Priya are outside of our middle school. We have just seated on the bleachers. I couldn't stop looking how the boys are playing basketball. One of them has been really working out.

I have woken up from my mind wandering off. Abby rattles something at me. She passed it to me. I took it from her. I put the little silver hoop onto the red panda head. The four of us are making key-chains.

The red panda key-chains we've made are out of plastic strings and beans. I placed every finished product into the opened box. Every merchandise we sold for couple weeks are five bucks.

I still can't quit looking at one boy in particular. I lightly kicked at Abby. She glanced at me. I was contented. "Check out number twelve. He got dunks for days." I said. Abby have something else in her mind. She was mad. "Forget that. I need lunch." Abby added. "I'm starting to black out!" She exclaimed. Abby collapsed on a bleacher. I pitied Priya. She looks dizzy. "I think I'm getting carpal tunnel." Priya believed. Mei wasn't so tired. She became a little bossy. "No pain, no gain, Priya. C'mon. Chop, chop." Mei said firmly.

Okay, I have to say something to her. I think she's pushing us too much work for the red panda hustle. I was worried for Mei. "Girl, relax." I said. Abby sat up from the bleacher. "Yeah, we're doing our best." She told Mei. Well, our poor red panda girl frightens herself. Her red panda ears, hand paws and her tail has shown. "It's not enough!" She exclaimed. Mei became frustrated. I have not seen her in a lot of stress. "The concert's this Saturday and we're still a hundred short." She stated. "Augh!" Mei grunted. She was mad at herself. "I knew we should have charged more on the photos." Mei comments herself.

Is she beating herself up for one ticket short?! I have to help her relax. "Stupid, stupid, stupid!" Mei exclaims. I halted her fighting herself. She was really anxious. I hold her fluffy hand paws. "Mei, breathe. It's in the bag." I said. She faced me. Mei was going to protest. I stopped her. I stared at her. "Up-pup-pup." I added. I enjoyed telling her to chill. "What's the point of getting to the concert if you're too exhausted to enjoy it?" I asked her. She couldn't say another word. I even took some cash from her. I put them away in our cash stash. "Now take a break and help me appreciate some BOYS." I declared. I gave her a little hug. Mei became cheerful. Her red panda parts went poof. "Okay, okay, okay." She replied. We both sighed at them in the basketball court. Mei and I, including Abby and Priya liked watching the boys.

The three boys in their jerseys are saying hi to us. They are so great in gym outfits. I was smiling. "Looking good." I said. Abby and Priya cheers on them. Mei gestures her fingertip pointing. Girl, she was smart. "Are you a triangle?" Mei added, asking. "'Cause you are ACUTE." She aforesaid. The four of us are laughing with each other.

Our laughter ended when one boy calls on us. "You guys are so weird." His voice said. Me, Mei, Abby and Priya checked under the bleachers. It was Tyler. He's such a little gyrated bully. I frowned at him. "Hey." I said. Mei became firm. "Are you spying on us?" She wondered.

Tyler seems to be chillin'. He didn't even look at us. "I want to talk to you." Tyler replied.

Mei shook her head. "Forget it." She said. We resumed our boys-watching. We can hear him mentioning something serious. "Fine. I wonder if your mom knows her precious little Mei-Mei has been flaunting the panda all over school." He states.

We gasped. The four of us stared at him sternly. Me, Abby and Priya observes Mei making a peace of her mind. Poof! Our friend became a red panda again. Oh she looks angry. Tyler got startled by Mei as a red panda. "That's none of your business!" she shouted. Mei was going to scare him off. She approaches him like a mad animal. He backs up hastily away from her. Tyler brought out his cellular phone. He was irritated. "One more step and I'm telling her everything!" Tyler warned. Is he seriously blackmailing Mei?! I would have stop what I'm doing if I was her. She did halted. Poor Mei was alarmed. Tyler was serious. "Now put that thing away and hear me out!" He exclaimed. She growls. Poof! Mei was herself again. She encounters him. "What do you want?" Mei inquires. I think she's still annoyed at him.

Tyler brought out a flyer. He was showing her his invitation. Tyler became confident. "I want to throw a sick birthday party. An epic one." He replied. Mei took his flyer from Tyler. She faces us. Me, Abby and Priya just shrugged.

Mei observes his flyer. He efforts to give more information to her. "It's this Friday. If you're there, everyone will come. Simple as that." Tyler said.

My friend glances at him puzzlingly. "A party?" She wondered. He sighed. Tyler seems confident. He glanced at her. "Look, I've done you a favor for keeping my mouth shut. All I'm asking for is one back." Tyler told her.

Mei ponders for a moment. I can't believe what I'm hearing from her. "I'll do it." She whispers. Mei faced him. She gestured her finger or two. Mei looked determined. "It'll cost ya one- No, two hundred bucks." She suggested.

He shrugs. "Okay." Tyler said.

Did Mei just accepts his deal?! Is she had gone nuts?! I can see her tail poof for a sudden. Mei appears unsure. "Uh, hold please." She said. Mei dashes back at us.

We huddled up about this party he invited her to. I was going against it. I frowned. "Are you serious?" I added, asking. "We can't trust him." I uttered. Abby agrees with me. She was mad as well. "It's a trap." Abby believed. Priya glimpses at us. She was uncertain. "This sounds like a boy/girl party." Priya added. "Are we allowed to go to the boy/girl party?" She wondered.

Mei was sure of herself. "Guys, two hundred bucks will put us over the top. We have to do this. We'll meet at Tyler's, I'll do my thing, and then we'll bounce." She added. "Easy-peasy!" Mei exclaims.

I am not liking what this is going. I was having second thoughts. "Dude, what about your mom?" I asked. I have really meant it.

She didn't take me seriously. Mei really wants to go to the concert with us. She was annoyed. "Forget my mom." Mei added. She wasn't changing her mind. "I'll be back home before she even knows I'm gone." Mei replied. Now I really have to protest with her. I was more concerned for her. "But." I said. I tried to stop her. Don't take the deal! Don't take the deal!

He got called at. "Hey, Tyler!" She hollered. I can't believe Mei's doing this. She was full of spunk. "We're in. But you get the panda for an hour, and we're not bringing any presents." Mei replies.

He offers his hand. "Deal." Tyler said. Mei took his hand. They shook their hands. Aw girl...

I don't know what to worry most. How her mom doesn't like me. Or my friend, the one who has the red panda, would end up in trouble for anytime this Friday. I was just hoping it won't be a terrible night.

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