Green is definitely my color but don't take fashion advice from me

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"Please go change, you look pitiful."

The mall was full of people. Everyone had their little friend group and I swear to you at least one person in each group stopped to talk to Heather. I awkwardly waited at the side accepting the confused glances towards me from the other people. 

It didn't take long for me to understand how truly popular Heather was. She was the girl people wrote songs about and she was the girl who didn't hang out with people like me. 

And it certainly didn't take long for me to figure out that this shopping trip wasn't for a 'bonding' experience. It was so she could change me before school started tomorrow. 

"What about this!" She holds up a purple crop to me. "It's definitely your color." It was not my color. I think my color is green but since I didn't know that you could only wear plaid in the form of a skirt, don't take my opinion. 

I shake my head and she huffs tiredly. "Then what exactly do you want to wear? Besides the T-Shirts that you probably took from the back of your stoner brother's closet?" My eyes widened at the comment. "I'm just being honest, Y/N."

I wanted to slap her so badly at that moment but I just shoved my hands in the pockets of my jacket. 

"If you want guys to look at you, you can't dress like one of them." I don't know why I stood there and just took it. Normally, I'd shout back. Make fun of her for dressing like a barbie doll. Maybe it was the fact that she was technically family. Maybe it was because I was staying with her for the next eight months and getting into an argument now would surely mean hell for the rest of my stay. Or maybe, most likely, I just didn't want to make a scene. That's what I told myself, at least. 

"Humor me, just a little, please," She whined. 

I sighed and snatched the purple crop top and the white checkered pants from her and started to head towards the dressing rooms. She jumps excitedly and waits outside the rooms. 

When I walk out, a smile spreads on her face. I pull at the bottom of my shirt, trying to cover my stomach a little bit more. 

"No, stop that," She screeches. "It looks great, promise."

I still cross my arms over my stomach as I stare into a mirror. I don't look like myself and I find it weird. I don't really look l like Heather either, it's not something I feel like she would wear. It's like someone took what I wore and took what Heather wore and put it together but switched the color palate to something worse. 

I change out of the clothes and hang them on a rack in the dressing room so that they can put everything back. 

That's when an idea popped into my head. "Now that I tried on something you wanted, you try on something I want."

"Oh come on. That is so not fair." 

"It is fair, Heather," I mock as I drag her out of the store. I walk her to a store that I saw walking up here. I peered into it for just a moment but I knew that's exactly where I'd want to go. 

We got there and Heather looked like she was about to run away. She doesn't so I pull her into the store. It smells like leather Docs and old T-Shirts. 

I throw her a pair of tan Dickies and she looks in disgust. As I shuffle through the graphic shirts, Heather comes over to me and taps my shoulder. 

"Remember those weird band guys I was telling you about. That's one of them over there." She points to a guy behind the cash register, ringing up a dude buying some converse. 

"The cashier?" I ask. 

She nods. We both look away so it's not obvious that we were looking. "He's had the fatest crush on me ever since I moved to this school." A proud smirk tugs at his lips. 

I looked towards the boy again. His black hair was messy and his beige shirt clung to his lanky frame. 

"I'm not seeing why you wouldn't date him," I whisper to her. Her face falls in a 'are you serious' way. 

"Y/N will you open your eyes?? He's ugly, probably smells, is loud, annoying. Literally everything you don't want in a guy."

I pull out a Blink-182 shirt and throw it at her. She puts it on top of the pants. 

I shrug and look back at him one last time. "First thing you said is a lie."

She scoffs. "If you like him that much, you take him." I laugh at her and tell her to go change. 

She walks into the changing rooms that are past the registers and it's now my turn to wait outside. When she comes out, the look on her face is priceless. I wish I'd been recording. She looks so uncomfortable I almost want to cry. 

"Y/N, I look like you," Her voice cracks. That wasn't a compliment but I still laughed. 

"Please go change, you look pitiful." She doesn't hesitate to turn back around and change back into her pink pants and grey floral top. 

When she comes back out, we turn to leave but as we pass the registers again, the band kid walks out, almost making me bump into him. I guess it's his break since someone took his spot behind the counter. 

He completely looks over me and looks directly at Heather just like everyone else at this mall had. 

"Heather?" You could hear the nervousness in his voice as he tried to play it cool. "What are you doing in a store like this?" A little bit of hope-filled his eyes. 

She hits my arm. "It's her fault. I never want to come in here again." The hope diminished from his eyes as he looked at me. Before he can say anything, Heather marches out of the store, me following her. 

Eyeliner ~ Rodrick Heffley X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now