chapter forty-two

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Sunday, February 14, 2021


"Mase, I'm serious," I groan. "White turtleneck with green sweater or silk dress shirt?"

"What about that black tennis skirt your sister bought you?" Mason says obnoxiously through the phone. I can barely hear him through the sound of the apple he's chewing.

"Mason... It's February." My patience is running thin. "Seriously," I threaten, waving both options in front of me on their hangers, "which one? Or I will call Jackie instead - they're way more helpful than you."

"Okay, okay," he finally gives in, "I'd say turtleneck with the sweater. But make sure you keep your hair down."

The piece of advice is completely random, so I ask, "Why?" I start to take my shirt off and slip the turtleneck on over my head.

"You know... So, Elijah can pull on it later tonight," Mason smirks.

I pull the sweater over my head and give him a deadpanned look. "You're hilarious."

"You're not even denying it. I bet that's why you grew it out in the first place. Noah Simone, you slut."

"Right, I'm done with you. I'll see you tomorrow," I say reaching for my phone to end the call.

"At school?" Mason asks.

"Yeah, why?"

"I don't know if that's a good idea, considering you won't be getting much sleep tonight."

"Goodbye, Mason." I immediately end the call. I can't let him see me blush.

Speaking of blush, I head over to the bathroom pull out my makeup. I put on some mascara and spend five minutes trying to draw the perfect winged liner. I brush through my brows and stain my lips red before applying some clear gloss. I spend a minute contemplating braiding my hair the way Ella taught me to, but decide to leave it down. I slip on a pearl earring on my right ear and a few rings. After taking a final look in the mirror and smiling in satisfaction, I walk out of the bathroom.

I go back to my room to grab my phone, wallet and keys before I head downstairs.

"Mom, I'm going out with Elijah," I call out as I put my shoes on.

"Sure, sweetheart. You spending the night?" Charlotte says as she walks out of the kitchen and towards me. She wipes her floury hands on her apron.

"I think so. I'll let you know."

"Wait a second," she says holding up a finger before she heads upstairs. I check my phone for the time while she's gone - ten to four o'clock. I'm right on schedule. I hear Mom coming down the steps again. "Here you go, darling," she says handing me a small square packet. "Put it in your wallet or pocket or something."

My face reddens when I realise what she's holding up towards me. "Mom! Oh, my God! Elijah's got some at his place. Jesus Christ!"

"Yes, but you both have a part to play in staying safe, so it's only fair that you carry one, too. And you never know - he might have ran out," she shrugs, still holding up the condom.

I take it from her to find there are four condom packets folded behind each other. My face heats up even more, but I decide not to say anything about it. I need to get out of here as soon as possible.

"Thanks, Mom," I mumble.

"Of course, sweetie. You look beautiful, by the way," she compliments as she walks back towards the kitchen.

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