chapter twelve

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Friday, September 25, 2020


My eyes search the room for Elijah and I find him leaning against a wall, still talking to a girl, still looking uncomfortable. I refill my cup and make my way over to him. "Give me a sec, Mase, I'll be right back." My words are a little slurred as I speak them, and my steps are awkward as I make my way across the room to Elijah. By the time I'm standing in front of him, I've chugged my second cup.

"Heyyy, Elijah." The words come out of my mouth lazy and slurred and I have no idea what I'm saying. Is this what being drunk is like? Hm. I definitely don't understand the hype.

Elijah gives me a worried glance as he pushes himself off the wall and stands up a little straighter. "Are you okay, Noah? What did you drink?" He slips his hands out of his pockets and puts them on my shoulders as he leans down a little to look me in the eyes. Elijah's eyes are pretty.

"I only had two drinks," I explain as I lift up my fingers to show how many drinks I had. I look at my fingers and see four up instead of two. I look back at Elijah and his eyebrows are screwed together and his mouth in a slight frown. Did I make Elijah mad? "Please, don't be mad at meeeee."

"I'm not mad, but maybe it's time we get you home." Elijah starts guiding me towards the front of the house, not even giving the girls he was talking to (or that were talking to him) a second glance as he leaves them behind. I blow raspberries at them before I turn to Elijah and start protesting. "I don't want to go hooooomeeee. We literally just got here," I whine. I grab onto the collar of his shirt and try dragging him away from the door. My steps are anything but coordinated and I end up stumbling and putting my full weight onto Elijah, my head in his chest.

I quickly feel Elijah's hands on my shoulders again as he pushes me away gently, but quite quickly. When I look up at him, he is looking around the room worriedly. I grab him by his wrist and start dragging him upstairs. I focus as much as I can on the steps I'm taking but still end up leaning on the railings for support. Once we're high enough up the stairs, I feel Elijah's warm arms snake around my waist and hold me up. So warm...

Once we make it upstairs, Elijah opens room after room before he opens a bathroom and leads me inside, locking the door after him. He sits me down on the toilet and turns around to wet a towel in the sink. His ass looks so good in those pants, and they also make his legs look really long. My eyes trail further up. They stop for a second at a place they shouldn't and unholy thoughts plague my mind. I gulp slightly as my eyes travel further up, his skinny waist, his firm chest almost peeking through his shirt, even his neck is hard to not admire right now. I imagine myself kissing and sucking all the smooth curves of his neck. Then his face. His lips are a little red as he bites his bottom lip, his green eyes are slowly sucking me in and I feel myself losing myself in them. His hair. Holy fuck, his hair. I could spend hours just running my hands through his curly hair.

His curls bounce a little as Elijah makes his way back to me. He crouches down in front of me and before he can use the towel to wash my face, I push my lips into his. It's wet and sloppy and I have no idea what I'm doing as I run my hands up and down Elijah's chest and shoulders. My movements are rushed and desperate as my arms scavenge lower than they should. My lips are still moving against Elijah's until I realise he isn't kissing back.

I feel two large hands on my shoulders pushing me away gently. I detach my lips from Elijah's with a whine and I search his face for an explanation. His cheeks are tinted red, but no other part of his expression shows that he wanted what I wanted at that moment. Oh.

"You're drunk, Noah. I think it's time we get you home," Elijah whispers before he starts wiping my face with the wet towel. It feels really cold on my warm face and does its job of waking me up a little. As Elijah stands up to walk back to the sink I grab his hips and pull them right to my face. I waste no time in trying to unbuckle his belt, but my hands are sloppy and Elijah is quicker than me.

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