chapter thirty-five

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Thursday, December 10, 2020


After I had opened my gifts from my parents, Elijah and I head upstairs together, our hands linked together. I place the makeup and skincare products that Charlotte got me and the jewellery that Ava got me on my nightstand.

"I'll go first," I say, rushing to open the top drawer of my desk to take out the gift I wrapped for Elijah the night before. I turn around to face Elijah who is sat on the edge of my bed and eyeing the box in my hands.

"Remember that swim meet you had, like, weeks ago? The one you qualified for nationals in..." I say as I sit next to my boyfriend.

"Of course I remember," he replies, "it was one of the best nights of my life."

I blush as I remember what Elijah is referring to. I clear my throat and continue speaking as I hand Elijah the box. "Well, I remember you were watching Sex Education on the bus ride there and back, but your headphones would always get tangled and it would really frustrate you because you don't have the patience for that... so I got you wireless ones. You can do that thing now where you put your cap and goggles on before a race and then put on your headphones and jam out and get in the zone or whatever."

I gauge Elijah's reaction as he rips off the gift wrap and examines the box.

"They're soundproof," I add nervously.

"Noah, these must have cost you so much. What the hell, I love them. Thank you so much," he says excitedly as he wraps his large arms around me in a hug.

"I also saw these at a small booth and thought you'd appreciate them," I add as I reach over to open the nightstand drawer and pull out a small bag, barely the size of my hand.

Elijah looks at me in disbelief before taking the bag and revealing what's inside - a pair of silver-plated earrings. The dangly kind, just like Elijah liked them. Two small chains and a feather hang from a simple silver hoop.

"I don't know what to say, Noah. These are stunning," Elijah says astonished.

"Thank you? You're the best boyfriend in the whole world? I'm going to give you a million kisses?" I taunt.

"I think what I got you is better than a million kisses," he says reaching over for the bag on the floor next to the bed.

"I doubt anything is better than a kiss from you."

"I thought so, too. Until I saw this." Elijah hands me the bag, the same expectant look on his face.

I allow my eyes to linger for a moment on my boyfriend's warm smile before looking down at the bag in my hands. A book? My head snaps back up and my eyes meet Elijah's coy smirk. I pull the book out of the bag and gasp.

A first edition copy of 'Still Life with Woodpecker'.

"No... No, you didn't."

"At one point, I was considering getting you a Kindle, but then I remembered that my boyfriend is one of those people that can write poetry about the way a book feels in their hands and the soft touch of the paper or whatever," Elijah chuckles.

"Would it be okay if I kissed you right now?"

Elijah responds by leaning forward and planting a soft kiss on my lips. He pulls away for a second and reality stops as we stare deep into each other's eyes for a moment. The second time around, I close the mere inches separating my lips from Elijah's and this kiss is much fiercer, more passionate. I pull away again to gently place our precious gifts on my nightstand before I grab fistfuls of Elijah's shirt and kiss him senseless.

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