chapter twenty-two

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Saturday, October 10, 2020


I notice the nurse who was supervising Noah's snack time stand up and rush out of the room. I peer at the doorway and find the nurses who were previously trying to stop the crazy woman from entering also exit the room hurriedly.

I wrap my arms protectively around Noah as I shift my eyes to take a closer look at the woman that just barged into the room. My eyes narrow in confusion as I try to decipher her intentions.

"N-noah? Noah, dear, it's Mom," she whispers in a pleading voice.

This can't be Noah's mom. She hasn't seen him in over seven years. How could she possibly know where he is, let alone that he is in a hospital? Even if she was Noah's mother, why did she come back? He's only starting processing the trauma that came with being abandoned by her, so why is she trying to make amends seven years later?

I have a feeling Noah is uncomfortable with her presence as well because I feel his small body tense in my arms. I pull him further into my chest in hopes of reminding me that I am still here with him.

After a moment, I hear his shaky voice. "M-mom?"

I glance down at the boy in my arms before quickly looking back up at Noah's mother (supposedly) to gauge her reaction. Her blue eyes widen slightly as she continues walking towards the bed we're sitting on. "Yes, Noah. That's right, I'm Mom. God, I missed you so much, my baby boy."

I continue pressing the emergency call button over and over again. I called a while ago, so why are they still not here yet? What if Noah was having a life or death emergency?

I know Noah is too anxious and confused to do anything at the moment; his eyes are wide and filled with unfallen tears, his jaw clenched and his shoulders tense. Cindy doesn't seem to understand that, though.

"Are you not happy to see me, Noah? I went through so much to find you and you can't even greet your mother properly, let alone be grateful for her coming back?"

Her eyebrows, which were previously downturned in expectance and vulnerability, are now scrunched together in slight annoyance as she continues taking slow steps towards us. I imagine this entire situation is not bringing back pleasant memories for Noah - the accusatory questions, the angry tone and the slow stalking towards him. Fuck good first impressions, I have to say something.

"I think it's time you leave, Mrs. Cohen. As you can tell from his being in a hospital, Noah is not in the best state right now. You can come back at another time and I'm sure he'll be more than happy to sit down and have a very long conversation with you," I tell her as calmly as possible. She doesn't seem pleased.

The crazy woman peels her eyes off of Noah to look at me, a threatening look in them. "Sorry, and who are you?" Rude.

"I am Noah's visitor and I'm sure you're aware the rules state he is only allowed one visitor at a time. I have called the nurses and I guarantee you they will explain the exact same thing to you, so can you please leave?" The anger and annoyance I feel are starting to come through in my tone.

The lady scoffs loudly, then opens her mouth as if to say something back, but is stopped by three nurses rushing into the room. Finally. If Noah was having a serious medical emergency, he would be long gone by now.

The lady protests loudly when they attempt to calmly escort her out of the room and the nurses have no choice but to put their hands on her. She thrashes wildly as she screams for them to let go, causing a huge scene. Finally, the group of nurses force her out of the room and we hear her shrieking get progressively quieter as she is dragged down the corridor.

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