Chapter 25

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(This is my longest wattpad story ever damn good for me)

Of course, everyone makes mistakes.

Bakugou's list of mistakes could go on and on for a lot.

But the thing is- when you make a tiny mistake you expect people to forgive you, to see that you understand you were in the wrong, and forget.

Not Bakugou, of course.

Bakugou's mistakes couldn't be forgiven by a nice "I'm sorry" and then be back to besties.

Bakugou did only one mistake, actually. A mistake that went on and on for years.

A one big mistake, which can only be forgiven by one person.

By a person that was presumed dead, a person that he hasn't saw in years, a person who could never forgive him.

Bakugou is not an emotional person, but he remembers one of the only times he cried.

It was a few days after izuku disappeared.

Nobody has heard from him, and his parents refused to talk to anyone, even the school. No one knew what's going on.

Everyone barely cared, of course, they just enjoyed the drama.

And rumours started.

Some people said he was dead. That he might've killed himself.

(Because who would suspect that he was abused by his own loving parents?)

That rumour got to Bakugou really fast.

"I heard he bullied him...."

"Such a mean person, who would do that?"

"He was such a poor kid...."

"Bakugou really has a villain personality. Goes good with his quirk."

A week before izuku's disappearance, Bakugou did the unbelievable thing.

He was always mean to Izuku, but he never would've thought that he'll tell him to kill himself. Which was, exactly what he did.

He thought that Izuku would ignore him, and brush it off, or go cry in the corner and forget it the next day, like he always did. (Right?)

But then, he disappeared.

The school heard nothing from his parents.

The rumours started.

He was called a bully.

A mean person.

A villain.

A murderer.

Those words got into his brain so, so easily.

Not because he was sensitive, but because he was afraid they were true.

He found himself crying the night after some classmates called him a murderer.

Just a victim... (suicidal Deku) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora