Chapter 7

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He didn't look back. Were the heroes still chasing him? Was he safe now? He didn't know. What kind of questions they wanted to ask him? Maybe about why he ran? Maybe about his stealing? Or maybe they wanted to ask about his parents. About his mom who died because of him, or his dad that disappeared? He didn't know, and he didn't want to go with them and find out. It was hard being homeless, but it would be worst to be in prison.

After what felt like forever of running, Izuku allowed himself to slow down a bit. He looked for behind him, and the street was empty. Izuku stopped and breathed heavily, and even though he was running for almost 30 minutes, his body was filled with adrenaline. They knew his name, they were still looking for him. He was still in danger.

He had to hide better, to find a better place to stay in, far away from the heroes. It'll be hard.

"Katsuki!!! It's here!!"

Katsuki ran out of his room, and ran to the living room, where he met with his mother. She handed him the letter, and he ran back to his room to open it.

The shiny "UA" sign was on it, and even though Bakugou knew that he got in, because of course, he's amazing, he was still a bit nervous. He opened the letter, revealing a hologram of a mouse, the UA principal. It told Bakugou that he got the best score (he wasn't surprised) and that he got into 1A. After the hologram video ended, Bakugou walked out of his room. "Well? Did you get in?" His mom asked, excited. "Yeah, obviously. I'm in 1A." Bakugou said and rolled his eyes. "I knew you could get in!! And don't roll your eyes when you're talking to me!" His mom shouted and slapped his head. "Don't tell me what to do, old hag!!" Bakugou shouted back. "Why are you guys fighting?" His father asked and walked over to them. "Katsuki got into UA!!" His mom said in excitement.

He got in.

Maybe he could get new friends? And meet cool heroes. And he heard that the trainings were hard, but that it was very satisfying to see how your quirk got stronger, and how the road to become a hero was brighter and shinier.

Only if he was even able to try to get to UA.

Izuku sighed as he took another sip from the half empty bottle of water he had in hand. He actually don't know where this bottle was, he just found it on the street and decided to take it. It's funny how one of the things he was worried about was that the heroes would leave him alone on the streets, and now he's homeless. He was homeless for, what, six months? Maybe six and a half. The school year must've already started. After finishing the water in the bottle, he used his quirk to make the bottle "fly" straight to the trash can.

He has been using his quirk, and practiced on it, but not for fighting. Just enough to not make an earthquake when he's stressed. It wasn't enough, but it's really enough if it's the first time you used your quirk ever.

He came to the realisation that his quirk was telekinesis. He could basically move things with his mind. It was a bit weak though, if you don't count the earthquakes he could barely control. But except that, he could move small objects with full control of them, but no more. It couldn't really help him with anything, and as long he wasn't hurting anyone he was ok with that. It was a long day, and even though he did almost nothing, he was tired. But he couldn't sleep, he was on a random bench, and everyone could see him, and he needed to go find a place to hide for the night... but it was comfortable, and his eyes began to close, and..

Izuku opened his eyes as he heard mumbled from beside him. "Poor kid.... he looks so young" he heard a women's voice. "Too many people are stuck without any job, probably his parents...." he heard another women's voice. He slowly opened his eyes, and saw two women, probably in their 50's, "oh, he's awake!" Said one. Izuku rubbed his eyes a bit and sat straight. "Here you go, kid" said one and handed him 20 dollars. (I have no idea how japanese money works so we're going with dollars here) izuku's eyes were shining, and he slowly took the 20$ out of her hand. "Ah- thank you so much!" Izuku said and bowed down. "It's ok, no need to bow down!" One of the women said. "Take care of yourself!" Said the other one, and the two kind women walked away.

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