Chapter 2

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"OI eraser, why are you hurrying like that?" Mic asked as him and Aizawa were walking down the street, on a hero shift. They were walking in a dark street, a place with actually a lot of crimes, so they decided to start there. Maybe they'll find a small robbery or something. "I don't like this place. Why did you suggested to be here?" Aizawa asked as he looked around. "Well, there are never heroes in this part of the city. Who knows how many villains there are here, even though I understand why there are no heroes in here.... this place is creepy" mic said and walked close to Aizawa. "Whatever. But you're right. We might find some villains" Aizawa said and kept looking around.

"Oh god..." Izuku mumbled as he looked at his hands.  His wounds opened, and he needed to go to the nearest store to buy some bandages for himself. The bleeding was bigger, and he couldn't let himself lose too much blood. He walked fast, trying to hide his bleeding hands, and without noticing he walked into someone and fell to the floor. He knew the kind of people who lived there, and he knew that for his own safety he shouldn't mess with any of them. "Sorry, sorry!" Izuku bowed a little and got up, and when he tried to get up by touching his hands on the ground, they hurt too much. "Ugh!!" Izuku mumbled, and got up. "Hey, are you ok?" The man he walked on said. Izuku looked up, and he immediately recognised the people he saw. 'Wha- heroes?!' He thought to himself, and his eyes were shining. "Your hands are bleeding. Are you ok?" The man with the black hair and the scarf, Eraser head, said. "I'm.. im ok I'm ok" Izuku said and tried to walk past them. "You don't seem really ok" the blonde guy, present mic, said and grabbed izuku by the shoulder. "I'm fine, hero." Izuku said and smacked mic's hand and kept on running. 'Finally there are heroes here. But I bet that they'll go as fast as they came here.' Izuku thought. "I don't think that this little guy likes heroes..." mic chuckled, but aizawa looked at Izuku with a serious look. "He has a serious injuries on his hands... it doesn't seem like a small thing from like, falling down the stairs." Aizawa said and the two heroes kept on walking.

Katsuki's head hurt. He didn't know why just now, he suddenly remembered Izuku.

Flashback, 9 years ago.
"So you're really quirkless?"
Katsuki asked crying Izuku. Izuku looked up to katsuki and nodded slowly. "Are you serious?! I cant be next to some weak people! Get away from me!" Katsuki said and pushed Izuku to the side. "But kacchan, it's not like I'm different or anything! I just... I just don't have any powers!" Izuku said.

"I can still be a hero!"

"How can a quirkless guy be a hero?" Katauki asked. "You're just useless" katsuki said and walked away, not knowing how those words hurt Izuku so much, more than he meant them to hurt.

End of flashback

It's been 6 years since katsuki saw Izuku. Izuku one day suddenly disappeared, and didn't come to school again. Katsuki was a little worried at first, but then he tried to forget it and pretended like he did t care, so people will keep thinking that he's strong and that he doesn't give a shit about that stupid Deku.

But they were wrong.

"If you want to be a hero in your next life, you can take a swan dive off the roof of a building!"

That's what he said to Izuku , the day before he disappeared.

Katsuki did tried to go to izuku's house, but when he got there, izuku's father opened the door and told katsuki that Izuku couldn't come to talk to him right now. Katsuki insisted on going to see him, but izuku's father just closed the door at his face and locked it. He looked pissed, so there was no hope for katsuki to go back there.

"Little brat! Why are you up so late? You almost missed breakfast!" Katsuki's mom said in anger as katsuki walked over to the table. "You could've wake me up!" Katsuki said and sat down. "I told her not to, you were sleeping so peacefully!" Katsuki's dad said. "He mom, you remember Deku?" Katsuki asked. "Deku... Deku..? Oh, you mean Izuku? Izuku midoriya?" His mom asked. "Yeah! Him" katsuki said. "Well, I haven't heard from him. And I haven't talked to his mother in years.... but I think that they decided to homeschool him..." his mom said, unsure. "Oh, ok..." katsuki mumbled and ate his food. "Talk loud and clear!!!" His mom shouted. "Dont tell me what to do, old hag!!!" Katsuki shouted at her back, and the chaotic energy in the Bakugou household came back.

"So then I told him— shota are you even listening?"

Mic asked as him and Aizawa walked into their house. "You're still worrying about that kid?" Mic asked and Aizawa nodded. "We need to go back there again. Heroes never go to that place, so people there think that they can do whatever they want. Including..." "abuse" mic completed aizawa's sentence. "and we're heroes, we can't let that pass just right next to us!" Aizawa said and mic nodded. "We'll go back there tomorrow, it's really late now." Mic said and Aizawa nodded a little.

Izuku entered his house, looking around and seeing that nobody was in the living room. He closed the door quietly and walked towards his room. He walked next to his parent'S bedroom, as quietly as he could. But then, he didn't hear anything from there. Izuku stopped next to his parents bedroom, outing his ear on the door. It was quiet inside. In this hour, his parents won't be asleep at all, they'll be watching TV, or even sleeping with each other LOUDLY. But they didn't actually go to sleep. Izuku hesitated a little, but then he decided to open the door. He looked in, and saw that the room was empty. Izuku walked in and looked around. He has never been in his parents room, not even once. It was bigger than his, but it wasn't clean. Beer bottles were all around the floor, and dirty clothes were also there. He almost couldn't see the actual floor. Izuku was about to turn around and walk back to his room, but then he heard a gunshot.

"What are you doing here?"

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