Chapter 24

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Izuku's use of his quirk improved A LOT.

After finally managing to use a useful and successful training program, he could control his quirk way better.

And, he trained more time alone, which was amazing for him.

He started to get along with his classmates, who probably noticed how he liked the quiet, because they actually gave him the space he needed. Whenever they noticed he was getting overwhelmed, they just apologised, ended the conversation, and gave him some peace and quiet.

He wasn't attacked by a villain, like, at all that weak, which was relaxing, obviously.

Really, this week couldn't get any better!

But, of course, every good thing has to end sometime.

It started at school.

He was getting random headaches almost every day. At first it was once a day, then it became two, three, and now every class.

And, he felt like he was being watched.

Like people were looking at him more than usual when he walked down the hallway. When he turned around, he swore he could see someone turning their head around as well, as if to hide the fact they were looking at him.

School doesn't feel safe anymore after that.

Then, it was at home as well.

His curtains stayed closed every. He's feeling like he's being watched, and he swears he can feel holes in his body, burning from a stare he can't find.

There's anxiety burning in his chest everywhere he goes. He freaks out, but he has to control himself, because it's just nothing, it's just a weird feeling.

But that doesn't matter.

After feeling a bit confident around the two heroes, he starts walking around the house more. Of course, Aizawa and mic are a bit happier that he doesn't stay in his room the second he gets home, and feels safe to walk around.

But, he does that at night as well.

Walking around, enjoying the silence of the night. Adoring the moon light from the window, and he learned to wear socks more often since the floor is cold.

He sometimes hear them talking.

He once tho they were fighting, which scared him, but listening to their conversations he found out that he was wrong.

It was hard to hear through the closed door, and they talked fast, but he managed to catch some words.


"His quirk"

"The incidents"


Which was a bit worrying.

Izuku assumed that they were just trying to find his dad, which was probably true, but still concerning.

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