Chapter 18

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(Sorry for the late chapters, I just have lots of school work and shit)

How hard can it be to train a quirk no one knows nothing about it?

Well, apparently, very hard.

Most of the advices the heroes gave him didn't really work, and most of the heroes didn't even know how to help him. His quirk was just, unknown.

So he kept on training himself.

Aizawa told him to start off with the basics.

To try and make things float with his quirk, and move objects from one place to another, using his quirk only. It wasn't much, but it was the only thing that worked.  

So, that's what he did. While the rest of his class improved their quirks in amazing ways, izuku sat there, making some stupid weights float.

Izuku assumed that his quirk was telekinesis, and that was the teachers assumed as well. Well, it made sense the most. Such a simple quirk, so why was it so hard to control it?

Was he just weak?

Too weak.

Being too weak was always his problem, but even though he did his way to solve it, to get stronger, he barely could.

But when he finally did, he killed his mother.

"A son killing his mother on accident."

"Such a tragic story, really. It'll get the front page in the newspapers immediately, so why did they change it?"

"An unexpected villain attack, taking down a whole building"

"Really, such a boring title. No one will be interested, villain attacks happen too much, it's like a normal day."

The man put the old newspaper down and sighed. "Is that kid REALLY that 'special?' We can find a strong quirk everywhere, why him specifically?" He said to the man next to him. "Because he's his son, obviously." The man next to him said. "But still, there are plenty of amazing quirks, and getting that one kid is going to be hard as fuck. The kid's in ua now, they're going to protect him like their lives depends on it" the man rolled his eyes. "Of course that's true, but you really think he'll listen to us?" The man next to him asked. "You think?" The man said and laughed "he'll kill us if we'll even TRY to tell him to leave his stupid son alone." The man said. "Yeah, yeah. I know. Well, we better get going." The man next to him said and stood up

"An attack on UA is not a easy thing to train for"

It's time.

Izuku always joked about it in his head, but it was time.

To try and fly using his quirk.

How? Well, that's really simple. Maybe not.

He had different ideas on how to do that, but his quirk was always too weak, and he hated to admit it, but UA actually helped to improve his quirk a bit.

First- he'll try making his shoes float. Maybe with that, his whole body will float with them too.

He aimed his hands at his shoes, focusing. He had a hard time affecting large object with his quirk, so starting off with his shoes shouldn't be too difficult.

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