Chapter 14

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(Ok but I remember earlier when I wrote this fanfic I couldn't upload bc I literally had fucking corona virus and after that my mental health went so fucking bad I almost tried to literally kms and and got diagnosed with fucking depression and anxiety, like the full package deal and after not being able to upload because of that I feel like a true wattpad writer.)

How should he start?

From telling him how he was best friends with THE Bakugou katsuki,  but then after finding out he doesn't have a quirk, he was just abandoned by his best friend in seconds?

Or to where he was told to jump off of a building every two days?

Or to where he was being mocked and was made fun of every day?

Or to when one day he was actually beaten up by Bakugou's friends- telling him it was from his request?

Or to where he was getting notes in classes from other students, telling him how worthless he was?

How should he start telling the story about his relationship with the one and only Bakugou katsuki?

"He used to bully me, like- since we were six" Izuku finally managed to say after he calmed down a bit. "It started off with just some teasing about me being quirkless, but soon enough it..." Izuku said and looked down. "It became physical. And more students joined. I could handle the bullying, if only my home was a safe place. And it wasn't, either. So it was a pretty hard time" Izuku said and Aizawa nodded in understanding. "Listen, I can promise you that Bakugou won't do anything to you. And if he'll do, don't be scared to tell me. I'm not only in charge of you here, I'm also his teacher" Aizawa said and Izuku nodded.

Aizawa let Izuku skip the first class.

Instead, he just taught Izuku about the math level in their class, and was surprised when he saw that Izuku completely understood it all.

"Why you look so shock? You didn't expect the poor homeless kid to be smart?" Izuku asked and laughed a bit. "Actually yeah, I didn't" Aizawa said. Izuku crossed his hands and did a fake-offended face. "That's really mean, you know. To assume that all homeless people are dumb. That's- thats homelessphobia." He said and Aizawa rolled his tired eyes. Suddenly, they both heard the school bell ring, which made Aizawa look at the schedule he has. "Alright, we're going now. You cant skip the whole school day, and I teach this class" Aizawa said and got up from his chair. "Alright, uh, what's that class?" Izuku asked, a bit confused.


The training uniform was..... ok. He was wearing it right, just like everyone, so why were they'd raring at him?

Well, maybe because he skipped the first two classes. Maybe they hated him now. Probably.

Well, it wasn't really good for his reputation in class.

Aizawa explained something about some obstacle course. Izuku didn't really listen, until Aizawa said that they could use their quirk how they wanted to, if it'll help them finish first. It was a competition, he said. Unfortunately, if Izuku would actually try to use his quirk, he'll either make a small water bottle fly or explode a whole building, so he needed to use his physical strength only, which was- bad.

He honestly didn't know what to do, and while he was thinking Aizawa split them into two groups.

There was his chance.

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