BONUS (Jasper's POV)

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              It was unsettling to see the streets of my village running red with blood

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              It was unsettling to see the streets of my village running red with blood. When we had gotten the news that our town was overrun by warring wolves we all rushed to get here but we were too late and the war was won, but lives were lost. I helped carry the dead to our sacred burial sight. Devran was gracious enough to allow the Red Moon Pack to collect their fallen people and bury them elsewhere away from here. 

Those were our enemies but the people here are submitting their loyalty to us now, so they may bury their dead but then the Red Moon Pack name dies with them. They're Crescent wolves now. I was relieved to know my family was safe and that Mira was safe. I heard she performed another miracle as she was the reason the battle ended. I'll have to hug her ten times more in thanks. We did lose men today though. Father's to sons and daughters and husbands to weeping wives. 

Of all the deaths the one I felt most was my friend Tommy who was in our group of friends. He died by the hand of the Red Moon wolves after fighting hard to defend his people.

        The guards of the Western borders where the army overtook them also had men who were friends of my fathers and also people I grew up with. It's hard to lift these dead men and bring them to our burial site but we have to keep a brave face to our community. I'm Delta, I can't break. It was late into the night when all the wolves were gathered for our funeral of all the men who lost lives today. I should say, and women, because they fought bravely alongside them but only one was killed and she's here too. 

An elder wolf is meant to recite prayers to help the wolves cross over to the other side where they will join our ancestors in peace forever. Then Devran has to speak as Alpha and leader of this pack.

        He has the hardest job because he will take the blame for this even when it isn't his fault. I know my friend and because this occurred under his leadership he will take that as his own failure. I looked around the crowd hoping Mira made it back in time for this but she had her own half of responsibilities to worry about. I don't want her to burn herself out but I know she has orders from her own type of Alpha. Mother Moon Goddess. I want to understand my best friend's gifts but it is all a mystery to me so far.

 I know she is an incredible woman, but I have always known that. It's why I protected her from those rogue wolves and it's why I brought her back here to us. I knew she was innocent, kind, and a blessing in and of itself.

          The ceremony took most of the night and people grieved around the graves as we buried them while the moon was still out. I started to notice a very nervous looking woman whose eyes kept shifting up to the sky then back down at Devran as if waiting for something. I approached her because I needed to know why she was eyeing my Alpha. She was literally moving her weight from side to side on each leg almost like she was bouncing. "What is it? Who are you?" I asked her. 

She bowed her head and said, "I am from the Red Moon Pack. I have a message for you and your Alpha." I furrowed my brows but called Devran and Diego over. "Tell us" I nodded for her to continue. Her eyes shifted up to the sky again. "I can't...not until sunrise," she told us. 

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