Chapter 26

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         I hadn't realized I didn't have much in my fridge in terms of making a proper dinner, which I wanted to have since I would be out in the forest all night with nothing to snack on

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         I hadn't realized I didn't have much in my fridge in terms of making a proper dinner, which I wanted to have since I would be out in the forest all night with nothing to snack on. So I walked down to the produce market where Ana and her fiancé Mark sold their fresh home grown fruit, and the veggie family of 5 sold their vegetables. I always forgot their names so I called them the veggie family. Ana is a sweet woman and I befriended them last year when I started helping around town. 

"Hey! Mira, I'm so glad to see you" the woman's face lit up when I walked into the modestly built store. Everything in the wolf village is very rustic and natural. They built everything by hand with the logs from this forest and the natural clays that substituted cement. I know they had other stuff from their wolves that went to town but still it was impressive what they've created for themselves out here. 

I knew Ana looked happy because I knew the town was whispering about me and probably wondering if I was heartbroken or what. I acted completely normal as I grabbed some things for cooking.

        "How are things?" She pretended to ask casually. "Good, how are things with you? How's hubby?" I asked her playfully. She grinned wide. Their mate bond was very obviously intact. She almost dimmed her smile as if she didn't want to rub it in. "We're good," she said less enthusiastically. I brightened and said that was great. I want people to know I am not breakable. After that I left the store feeling awkward. I didn't want to feel awkward here. 

It's the first place that has ever felt like a healthy living environment for me. I stopped dead in my tracks when a body walked up beside me as I walked to my cottage. I was met with the dark eyes and harsher features of Beta Diego with his hands behind his back like he were a grandpa on a stroll.

          "Hello" he said simply. "Hello" I responded then continued to walk. "Grabbing groceries?" He glanced down at my reusable back. I nodded but didn't play into his lame attempt at gathering information. "Can I help you with something?" I asked him nicely. I had nothing against the guy and I knew he was just doing his job. What exactly did he want though?

"Oh no, I saw you walk out and thought I'd say hey" he told me. I didn't buy it but I didn't argue the fact either. "Well, good seeing you. I gotta go" I tried walking on but he caught up. "Look...things ended harshly between you and Dev and I just wanted to check in, alright?" He fessed up. I sighed. "Well, it's uncomfortable that people are feeling pity for me around town. He rejected me and that's that. I wish everyone would drop it already" I huffed and made a sharp turn to get to my cottage. He stopped me by the arm. 

        "It's completely natural to feel upset even with the bond not intact. If true feelings were involved it can feel a lot like a break up" he tried explaining to me. I scoffed. "What feelings? Devran has been nothing but an ass to me since the minute he got back here" I reminded this fine Beta. His face went flat.

I furrowed my brows and looked more closely at him. "Why? Is Devran upset?" I turned the tables on him. He stiffened in surprise at the inquiry. "Huh? No. I mean, I'm not saying he was cold hearted, it's not that he doesn't care, he just. He's not, like, upset-upset..." he trailed off and cursed himself. "It's fine. I know he doesn't give a shit. Thanks for trying though" I patted Diego on the shoulder before walking inside. I saw him open his mouth to say something else but I just shut the door. 

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