Chapter 20

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          I knew I had to be going crazy

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          I knew I had to be going crazy. There is no logical explanation as to why I was lost in the dark and could suddenly see. The moon was strong and visibility improved. It felt like the light was specifically following me. I have gone crazy. "MIRA, MIRA" I could hear my name being shouted from quite a distance away because the voices were muffled. "I'm here" I shouted. I kept calling out to them until Jasper came running at me and hugged me to his chest. 

"Holy shit, I've been freaking out. Where were you?" he rambled out. "I don't know. I got lost" I hugged him back tightly. "Devran got back like twenty minutes ago into town and when I asked where you were he freaked out and said you should've been here by now. It's weird we couldn't track your scent" I saw the furrow of his brow when I tipped my head up to look at him. "You've been crying," he said, wiping at my tear stained cheeks. 

"Oh Mira, thank god" Grace and Melanie came running over. Mel ripped me away from Jasper and hugged me tight. 

        "What happened? Tell us everything" she asked. I shook my head no. "Not tonight, I..I really need a minute" I said, pulling away from her. It wasn't just about Devran. It was Devran, it was the flashbacks of my family, it was being lost, it was that strange occurrence in the woods. It was too much. I hugged Jasper to me again and asked if he'd take me home. He wrapped an arm around me and walked us back to the village where more of our friends came running over once they realized I was found.

"Should someone go tell Dev?" Diego asked. "No," I blurted out, "leave him to his own mess." With that statement I pulled Jasper away from everyone and continued into the house. "Mira, I can see something is really wrong. Did he hurt you?" his jaw tightened at the thought of it. "It's not what you think" I shook my head. "Just give me a minute, okay" I pushed my hair out of my face and sighed. "I'm going to change clothes," I told him, going into the bedroom and closing the door. 

        "Wait, Trevor..How is he?" I shouted through the door. "He's fine. He's healing up. Everyone is confused as fuck as to what went down today but I have a theory." Before he could say anymore I had finished changing and opened the door. "Don't, I can't handle any more tonight. Whatever your thinking just please keep it to yourself" I tied my hair up. Jasper made me tell him the whole story, so I did. Everything from the fight we had to what came after. "I can't explain it...I could just see" I reiterated. 

"Do you think I'm losing my mind or what?" I asked.

 "There are a lot of reasons why that could've happened. We don't have to figure them all out tonight. You're exhausted" he patted my leg. "Will you sleep over? I just need to feel safe tonight. Things stirred up for me today and I'm feeling" I got cut off. "Hey, you don't need to explain it. Doesn't matter why, I'll stay regardless" he assured me. 

"Okay thanks" I sighed in relief. I gave him some of Nealin jr. sweatpants and a t- shirt to sleep in and we both curled up on the bed and passed out. 


          Bang.Bang.Bang. I jumped up from the bed expecting for a moment to be back at my mom's house. But I wasn't there. I was in my own house now. A borrowed house but still, mom and Greg and all Greg's shitty friends, they weren't here. "The hell?" a groggy Jasper woke up. "Mira, are you in there?" a deep voice shouted from outside my front door. "He's gotta be fucking kidding me" I hissed. "I'll handle it" Jasper got out of the bed, but I stopped him. 

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