Chapter 38

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           Trevor brought us a blanket to sit on and I brought pillows for us to lean on

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           Trevor brought us a blanket to sit on and I brought pillows for us to lean on. His big surprise to me was something so sweet. Candy is sort of a novelty item here in town because it's just not on the priority list for our runner wolves who get supplies for our people every month. I was glad after the storm the electricity was a quick fixable issue and that it didn't interfere with tonight's event. When Trevor pulled out the bag of candy my face brightened with both surprise and appreciation before I gave him a quick hug of thanks and grabbed some of my favorites.

 Melanie, Lyson, Jasper, and his buddy Matt were slightly off to the side of us doing their own thing. I didn't realize who sat behind us until we were interrupted. "Got an extra pillow for me?" Devran's deep voice was unmissable. We both glanced over our shoulders and of course he was seated right behind us with Stella. I rolled my eyes. 

I haven't spoken to him since our drunken make out. Stella glanced at her date and then between us and I could tell she suddenly felt awkward. Probably because she knows of our having been mates before.

        "Uh, hey Alpha" Trevor awkwardly greeted him. "We don't" was my only response to his request for pillows. Devran tipped his nose to the sky and sniffed. "Who is doing bonfire tonight? That'd be a cool after event when the movies finished" he commented as if we were in as a group of four. When I felt eyes on me I darted my eyes around until I caught gazes with Jasper. He rolled them and I knew everything he was saying without having to hear him say it. 

He's thinking the same thing I am. Devran is making our date awkward on purpose. I just can't find a justifiable reason for it. When you break a mate bond that link is gone forever. There wouldn't be unresolved jealousy of possessiveness. It just doesn't work that way.   

          I had even asked Jasper to be sure of that fact and he agreed it's suppose to be a clean cut. Sure, it can feel like a breakup especially if you had some kind of relationship previous to the rejection but Devran and I had none of that beforehand. We barely knew each other. Our only interactions were based on either psychotic jealousness or his interrogations of me due to me being human, which he despises. So why mess with Trevor and I? My only answer is that he hates me and likes making me miserable as his own form of entertainment. 

I just quietly tugged on Trevor's shirt to get him to turn around and face the screen again. The movie hadn't started but I didn't want to engage with Devran and open any sort of line of communication that would officially turn this date into a group thing. Him and I spoke quietly amongst ourselves until the screen lit up brightly and the sun had officially set behind us. I popped a candy in my mouth and leaned slightly into Trevor which he seemed to like.

        When Devran stretched his legs out he 'accidentally' kicked our blanket, and shifted our unopened drinks around. I grit my teeth but said nothing as Trevor sat up slightly to fix everything. Devran muttered a fake apology like he hadn't meant to do that. Before the film even really started I noticed people starting to look around at the air and I soon realized why. It was suddenly foggy, or at least that's the only way I could describe it at first. Chatter broke out and for once Devran interrupted for a legitimate reason. 

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