Chapter 48

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          I don't know how I knew which Pack of wolves we were facing

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          I don't know how I knew which Pack of wolves we were facing. It had just come to me, the name Red Moon. Devran had already stepped out of the crowd bloody and with a mouth dripping crimson. He climbed onto the rood beside me and never shifted into his human form. He looked down at the large crowd with a proud head and red flickering eyes. His wolf was in total control right now. He looked terrifying actually but I was focused. When he stood in wolf form he was still as tall as me. 

It's otherworldly to witness for myself. Devran released the blood curdling howl that I'm sure translated into something the wolves understood. I was amazed to see so many wolves lower themselves and bow down. I couldn't even see as far as the people went. It's like looking into a crowd at a stadium and only being able to fully see the faces of the first dozen or so rows. 

They could hear us though and some of them lowered down to their bent knees to show compliance while others stood in protest. The animals of the forest had slowly retreated and with a flick of my hand I sent the birds away.

        That's when Devran shifted into human form and waved someone below my cottage to throw up a discarded pair of gym shorts. There was clothes everywhere because our people had to shift quickly with not a lot of time to undress. Devran stood beside me at 6'2 or 6'3 and his muscled taut body was exposed and smeared with the blood of his enemies. He had a gash on his ribs but he paid no attention to it. His voice was guttural and I could tell his wolf was still very much present.

 "RED MOON PACK, submit to me or be slaughtered" Devran warned them. "I don't know why you came to us with war but I won't let you back down now and retreat to wherever you came from. Now you either belong to me or you die" he told them in the sexiest deep voice. His chest was proud and forward. His face was fierce and waringful. I looked delicate beside him, but I wasn't. 

I have the power to defend myself now.

         I summoned animals from all over the forest today and I didn't even know I could do that. I could see the innocents of the Red Moon pack were afraid now that they knew they couldn't leave but would have to submit or die. Would Devran kill women and children? I had no idea. "SHOW ME YOUR ALPHA" Devran demanded. A large male wolf whose fur was entirely white stepped forward. Because of his light coat you could see the blood dripping from his paws and smearing his face and body. It's a startling contrast. The man shifted into human form and stared down our Alpha. 

"We've come here to take your land as ours has been destroyed by the fires. We have no food and our source of water has been contaminated. Our homes are gone" he told us. "And instead of asking for help you dared come fight my people?" Devran showed no sympathy for them. The Alpha stood proud and showed no remorse for his decision. This man was tall and firm like Devran but he was older. Maybe in his 30's.

        What was interesting about him was that his hair was entirely white even with a youthful face. His nose was flat and slightly crooked like he has broken it many times before. He must be a troublemaker who fights often. "Submit to me," Devran demanded. The man's chest swelled with pride and he did not bend down. "I SAID SUBMIT" Devran bellowed out in a snarl. "Are you challenging me?" Devran asked when still the man did not comply. It made me quickly look up at him in fear that he would go and fight again. I didn't want him getting hurt. 

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