Chapter 16

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          "Are you out of your mind?!" I had to ask

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          "Are you out of your mind?!" I had to ask. "Hear me out. He's always popping up randomly, especially if you are associating with any dude. He's got a close eye on you but I don't think it's for the reason we thought before. It's not because he doesn't trust you and how you're human, blah blah. I think he wants to know what you're up to because he wants you" he chuckled. "You sound like Mel now" I shook my head. I went back to washing the vase because I didn't want Jasper seeing my pink cheeks. The idea of it embarrassed me. 

"You realize he's like the most wanted bachelor in this town. I think he has plenty of women to want. Not the one human who he despises. Honestly Jasper, think about it" I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see it. 

"Yet he never gives them the time of day. I just remembered, last night he danced with you for two songs even when the girls in line were pouting about it. I know it sounds strange based on the way he's acting but you don't know Dev the way I do. He wouldn't just be nice to you and flirt with you if he liked you. He's going to try not to like you which will frustrate him and make him act exactly the way he's been acting with not only you, but me" he continued to make his point. 

        "Okay, I will agree that he's been a dick to you this whole time and that it seems to be linked to me, but I think that's because you're supposed to be his best friend yet I've sort of taken over that role. Maybe he's jealous" I shrugged, drying the vase off. "Oh he's jealous alright" he muttered. I saw the look on his face and didn't like it.

"Stop, what are you thinking?" I asked. "I'm going to test my theory," he smirked. "What does that mean?" it didn't sound like anything good. "I'm going to be more touchy with you. Flirtier. We'll see how he reacts because I'll tell you right now he's never been one for self control. He'll snap" he laughed. I squinted my eyes at him. 

"You realize if your theory is correct and you do act that way, and he does snap, you'll get your ass beat" I pointed out. He thought he was so smart but he wasn't thinking of the consequences of pushing Devran's buttons. "I wonder if I can get Diego in on this too. He's Dev's lap dog but if I spin it in a positive way he just might. I could say, uh, that he's been upset lately and this would help determine if it's you that's the cause. Something lame like that" he rambled on. I just looked at him. 

"What?" he finally asked. "No, just no" I cut down his idea. "I bet Mel would agree with me" he defended himself. "Oh I'm sure she would. You're both crazy" I pointed out. "Please don't give him any more reason to hate me. He's seriously going to kick me out of town this time" I asked him, and I was serious. 

I wanted this left alone.


         After finishing a load of laundry I realized I still had Devran's shirt. Since I had to go to the house and cook anyway I decided to bring it with me and leave it in his room or something without having to have any kind of exchange with him. I was there bright and early to bake muffins for everyone and start up the bacon and sausage and stuff that they loved eating. The smell filled the halls and soon people were appearing. For that I disappeared into the back kitchen where I wasn't seen by the breakfast eaters. I heard everyone greet Alpha which meant Devran was there, so I stayed put where I was. I could wait it out and leave once he did.

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