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Boring days gone by until some recording was spread all over their message inbox.

It was the conversation of Sana and Jihyo before they ignore each other.

"I always wanted to ask you this before, but I stop myself to give you space. But now, I want to know what's happening with you, Sana" -Jihyo

"I hate myself" - Sana

"Hate yourself? Why?" -Jihyo

"You'd probably will too after knowing why" -Sana

"What do you mean?" -Jihyo

"I did something too awful to Tzuyu. I almost sexually assaulted her" - Sana

"You wtf? Are you kidding, Sana?! Cause that's not a fvcking good joke" -Jihyo

"Ha... I badly want to slap you right now, I bet a hundred percent it's because of what you did, Tzuyu left her own house!" -Jihyo

"Slap me I deserve it" - Sana

"No, you deserve to be slapped by Tzuyu, not by me nor anyone else." - Jihyo

All of the members living at Tzuyu's mansion was taken aback with what they heard and discovered.

They are mad, especially TWICE members who still have no idea with what Sana did to be ignored by the others.

Tzuyu and Chaeyoung are together when the recording was sent to them.

Tzuyu became pale and frozen.

Chaeyoung looked so concerned to her, now she knows what made Tzuyu acted like that when they were in the underground.

"Dude" She called her best friend with full of concern.

Tzuyu shed a tear and gulped.

Chaeyoung hugged her and that's when the tall girl started sobbing.

"I don't know how to face everyone now" -Tzuyu

"Why? You didn't do anything wrong" -Chaeyoung

"I'm ashamed, I'm scared what if they judge me?" -Tzuyu cried.

"Hey no one would do that. You're the victim here. Did I even judge you after hearing it?" -Chaeyoung

Tzuyu shook her head.

Mina, Jeongyeon, Nayeon, and Ryujin, the members who are currently have no missions went to them.

They saw her crying on Chaeyoung's shoulder. Jeongyeon sat beside Tzuyu and caressed her back.

"I told you no one will judge you." Chaeyoung whispered.

Tzuyu calmed down and faced the members who are with them.

"Why didn't you told us?" Jeongyeon calmly asked.

"I'm afraid to be judged and I feel weak" -Tzuyu

"Hmm we respect that. But who recorded it and sent to everyone? I know Jihyo wouldn't do something like this" -Nayeon

Someone with them suddenly felt guilty. She didn't really thought of the consequence, her emotion got her. She wanted to expose Sana's evil deeds without thinking how would Tzuyu feel.

They comforted Tzuyu and assured her that she has no reason to be ashamed and she's strong for enduring what happened to her.

After everyone left, Ryujin decided to speak with Tzuyu alone.

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