I am now here

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Tzuyu already left. Our meeting is also done, we are just waiting for Mina and Chaeyoung's update.

All of the members are getting out, but I stopped Momo unnie before she could go out too.

"What?" She asked.

"Why didn't you tell them the truth?"

"There's no need Dubu, they will just be disappointed in you, especially Tzuyu, she will get more mad at you"

"But I deserve that"

"No... I don't think you do. Everyone has shortcomings, including you and that's totally fine."

My eyes are getting teary because of Momo unnie's words, I hugged her.

"Thank you, Momo unnie."

"I always got your back, my Tofu" She said and softly smiled at me. She wiped my tears away.

I feel like I'm the worst girlfriend after letting Sana be abducted by them, and now that Tzuyu slapped facts in front of me. It was all my fault, Momo unnie wasn't there that time, she's at the car waiting for us.

It was only me and Sana who got ambushed, we ran together but there are too many of them.

They got me first, I told her to just run away but she did not. She fought against the girls who are holding me, when I got free from them I told her to wait and tried to call for Momo unnie's help as I can't fight with my injured arms.

It didn't took too long, but when we got there, they are all gone as well as my girl.

We tried searching for her, but to no avail. I shouldn't have left her there alone, I'm too dumb.

I don't know how I can face her again after what I did, I can't even afford fighting against Tzuyu earlier as what she said is right.

But I want to find her as soon as possible. I will never forgive myself if anything bad happens to her.


I used all my connections I made with various gangs to inquire all of the secret bases of (G)I-DLE.

I got updates in no time, it is really a perk to have more connections in this hell.

I'm wearing an all black outfit so it will be easier to hide, I will start infiltrating their bases tonight.

Working alone would be better for me, infiltrating with a group will only have higher chances of attracting the enemies.


7:00 PM

It is now dim so I started to invade their first secret base near my location. I brought my Colt M1911 pistol with silencer incase of emergency.

There are only few members residing here so I smoothly got to inspect this whole area. She's not here.

I went to their second base, but there's no one occupying this area, I still searched it anyways.

The result is still the same.


Tzuyu began her searching 2 days ago, she's now getting frustrated as she go on because she thought it will be easy for her to find Sana.

She's getting more anxious as bad thoughts are starting to get in her head. Tonight will be her 3rd night of finding her ex lover.

She's done searching every secret bases they have, but it seems like Sana is in their main base.

She climb at the back of the mansion of (G)I-DLE. Before she could even get to enter, someone already spotted her, the two girls attacked her, but Tzuyu being herself, she knocked them out instantly.

She went into the backdoor, but it was locked and it needs a password or a fingerprint.

She used one of the girls she knocked out earlier to open the door. She tied the both of them and taped their mouth so they wouldn't be able to alert their whole gang when they woke up.

She proceed entering while holding her gun, she steadily went her way in and searched every suspicious room.

She saw a staircase leading to an underground, she went there without any hesitations.

She gulped when she saw there's a lot of members roaming around, and she saw a room at the end of the hallway where 4 members are standing outside.

After seeing that, she immediately rushed her way. She's now up against 8 people including the members roaming earlier.

"Who are you?!"

"Don't let her pass, she's clearly after that girl. That girl must not be taken out of our mansion"

They surrounded her and attacked her at once, but her fighting instincts are much higher than all of them combined.

She ducked and pulled the foot of the girl attacking her, causing her to lose balance and tripped the girl beside her.

Someone tried to hold her back but she quickly turned around and smashed the girl's jaw with her elbow.

Almost all of them got knocked out by Tzuyu, but the blonde girl almost got her when she almost smashed Tzuyu's head with a baseball bat. Luckily, the tall girl blocked it with her right arm, but her arm is now broken.

She still knocked out all of them for about 10 minutes of fighting.

She hurriedly went inside the room they are watching over earlier before their backups could arrive.

And her guts were right, Sana was really locked in here. She gasped when she saw the poor girl's situation. She's sitting in a chair with her hands and feet tied up with it. They obviously tortured her.

Her knees got shaky, but she did her best to walk and get the girl out of there.

Sana's body is full of cuts and bruises, her face are swollen with cuts, if only Tzuyu were not familiar enough with her, she won't recognize her because of the bloods.

She checked her pulse to ensure that she's still alive, her pulse are weak but it is still beating which is enough for Tzuyu.

"I am now here, sorry for being late, love." She whispered and a tear fell out of her left eye.

She quickly untied the girl with a knife. Sana is unconscious so she needs to carry her. It wasn't an easy task as her body was also beaten earlier, but she still made it out.

They got out alive, she heard the enemies looking and searching their whole are so she walked faster to where her car is.

She carefully placed Sana at the backseat and drove back into her home.


When they arrived, she swiftly put Sana into her private clinic and called Lia.

Lia is a skilled medical professional, she's part of the gang ITZY, they are living together with Tzuyu for one and a half year ago.

"Lia, please treat and heal her" Tzuyu said with a teary eyes.

"You don't have to ask me that, unnie. I will mend your wounds too later." She said and started treating Sana.

Tzuyu's head can't think of anything else but Sana. She can't hold her tears anymore. She sat at their living room's sofa while silently crying.

Someone approached her and hugged her.

"The last time I saw you crying like this is because of her." The girl stated.

After minutes of crying into her shoulder, Tzuyu got out of her embrace and wiped her own tears.

"R-ryujin, I'm sorry, but I want to end this thing between us."

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