Spoiled Brat Meet The Good Boy

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story description: Dahyun was born in UK and she was really spoiled by her parents since she was a kid because she's only the granddaughter of her dad's side which is so successful in life and have a lot of companies all over the world, meanwhile Jimin is a worker or a manager in one resort that he taking care which own by his second mother and his dad didn't give any attention to him since his mom died and his dad only focus to his new family with his second mom and he just accepting those...



"Dahyun, bring your luggage" mom said while I just looking around of the incheon airport, so my parents live here before? And mom get birth of me in UK, and you know what? I already use to live there since I was a kid then they will force me to live in this country that I don't like to live

And really? Mom will bring me too through his travels here? Aiish! I just want to stay at home!

"Dahyun, I said pick up your luggage" mom said again and I just sigh and pick up my luggage

"Where we going to live now? I want to get some rest" I said in annoyance

"We will stay at my friends beach resort and for sure you will love it" mom said while smiling and I just give her awkward smile then get inside at the car and I give my luggage to our guard and mom come inside of the car too and I just wear my airpods to listen some nice song

Until my phone vibrate and I just open it and look who message me, and it's was just my friends in UK, who's didn't stop from teasing me since I told them I will live in my parents home town which is South Korea

And right now, they are telling me that there's a lot of good and nice guy in the Korea too because they also meet some Korean in UK, but I just give a reply that I don't care, I only want is to go back in UK and just stay at my bedroom and just using my laptop while laying at bed and just enjoying the chips that maid bring at my room

But now, this is really a bad dream for me, that I hope this is just a dream

We're driving already and I just look outside and found a nice sunset and I just take a picture of it and send it to our group chat and my friends start to react on it and saying that it's looks great

Then they also told me that give them a info if we already reach the house where we going to live, and I just send a thumbs up emoji

Then turn off my phone then put it back at my thighs and look outside again, until I heard that mom is starting to talk with someone on her phone and I just look at her and found that she's using her laptop inside of the car and also reporting something on her employee at the phone

I just look away...

*Time skip*

"Jonathan!" Mom said and I just look who's the man she called and found that it was a tall guy who's with his wife who's looking elegant snd mom start to hug them and I just slightly bow at them

Our own things is still inside of the car and the guard is just going to pick it up to bring at our own room

"Long time no see Jonathan" mom said

𝐃𝐀𝐇𝐌𝐈𝐍 𝐍𝐀𝐘𝐊𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐓𝐀𝐄𝐓𝐙𝐔 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 [ Book 3 ]Where stories live. Discover now