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story description: Jungkook in this story is one of the hostage of unknown group who is taking handsome guys in late night and Jungkook is one of the guys that was grab of those kidnappers and those kidnappers will use those handsome guys to have a money and they are selling them through illegal stream that there's an illegal website that was spreading to people who is really want to have a partner in life, and Nayeon is one of those girls who is really heart broken because the guys that she have a crush to, is doesn't like her, and her one friend will offer a website to her where she can order a boyfriend, but at first when she heard it, it's sounds so weird for her



"wait, what?" Nayeon said when her friend said that she knows where she can have a boyfriend that she can buy through online

"I said, you can buy a guy in online and it's legit, cuz you know, the boy that I just dated right now, it was really came from that website" Roxanne said to her, well Roxanne is like a type of girl who is wearing a sexy outfits that she really love exposing her chest

"Wait, selling a guy through online and it's legit? Is it illegal right?"

"Nayeon, there's no illegal for someone who is so willing to have a boyfriend, and Nayeon, you already 23 yrs old and still single since birth and still waiting for those guys to like you back even they already reject you" Roxanne said while seating Infront of her and nayeon just look away

"Do you still remember how you give a car to that christian as gift for him just to make him your boyfriend but he still reject you and give back that car, second one is Andrei when you give him a expensive watch and expensive shoes for his game but he still reject you because he is dating the girl who bully you before and still remember that I punch that woman before because she hurt you...and now, it's time for you to be happy and it's might be that you will find the guy in that website I telling you and I offering to you, I swear Nayeon, you really going to like it" Roxanne said and Nayeon look at her

"I will think for that first" she said

"Ok, and make sure that you will say yes" roxanne said and start to get up from the chair

"And yeah, I'm going on the date with my boyfie, after three days you already tell me your answer" Roxanne said and start to walk away and Nayeon just chuckle on her and look at her laptop again and saw that website and she just close it and go at her bed and pick up her book and start reading that

Meanwhile to Jungkook place, someone open the door and the five guys inside of the room start to look up and found the leader of the kidnappers

"Tomorrow we will have a stream for those girls who going to buy one of you, and make sure that your face is looks nice! Understand?!" The leader said and they just nodded that their hands are rope on their back while seating and those kidnappers make sure that they also eating to make them still looks handsome

"I'm a rich person, I can call my father and give you a money like how much you want idiot" Jungkook said while looking at him and he just laugh at him

"Do you think I will believe on you? No!" He said and just get out and Jungkook just kick the plate away Infront of him because he is already tired by what is happening to his life right now

"Bro" someone said and he look who is it and found that it was the guy that was hostage as the same night as him

"If you was sold out tomorrow by a woman, you still can escape and tell to your parents to save us here too, you just mention you are rich right?" That unfamiliar guy said while looking at him

𝐃𝐀𝐇𝐌𝐈𝐍 𝐍𝐀𝐘𝐊𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐓𝐀𝐄𝐓𝐙𝐔 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 [ Book 3 ]Where stories live. Discover now