V-card 🔞

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Story Description: Dahyun is looking for a job for her mother who is hospitalize because of cancer and she really needs a money for the operation and for her mom's medicines and Jimin as big boss who is looking for girls to give their v-card to him that he really enjoy having a moment with him, and what if there's one guy will offer a job to Dahyun by giving the flyer and she going to go at that job to ask for without knowing that it was a Job for only woman who is willing to give their v-card to one and only Park Jimin


3rd person pov

"How much doc?" Dahyun said after the doctor told her that her mom needs to operate because of her cancer

"You need 300k that we can start the operation of your mother" the doctor said and it was made her surprise because they don't have that much of money

"Uhm doc, can you operate my mother even I will pay every month?"

"I'm sorry Ms. Kim, but the hospital didn't allow it because there's some patients are being culprit and just running away and hiding somewhere" the doctor said

"Ok doc, I will find a job and please always look for my mom and I will immediately came back here when I already have that money and immediately pay for the operation" she said and the doctor just nod and she start to walk away and start to think what job she going to apply

Then she start to called her friends and she ask if they know some jobs that was willing to let her be their employees but her friends just saying the same thing that they didn't know and she just walking around and asking some stores if they are looking for employees but they saying they already full

And she promise to herself that she won't stop from finding a Job until it's not that late night and she still can find a store to ask for

"Miss" someone said and she look who is it and found it was a guy holding a flyers

"Yes?" She said

"I saw that you are looking for a job, and I will give you this flyer because this business man is looking for his new employee and the address is also written in the flyer" he said and she grab it and read what written

"Oh god, you are an angel, thank you so much! I really need this, thank you so much again!" She said while smiling widely and immediately walk away to go at that address and that guy just smirk and remove his mask and hoodie

"She was looks like his ideal girl and for sure boss will love her" he said while smirking

"But looks like innocent and virgin, it's will be good" he said again and start to walk away


"is it really the exact address?" She ask herself while holding the flyers and she saw a guard get out from the building and she walk towards on him and ask

"Uhm excuse me" she said and that guard look at her


"May I know if this building is what written here" she said and show the flyer and the guard look at it and smirk and he start eyeing her up and down that was really made her confuse

𝐃𝐀𝐇𝐌𝐈𝐍 𝐍𝐀𝐘𝐊𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐓𝐀𝐄𝐓𝐙𝐔 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 [ Book 3 ]Where stories live. Discover now