Chapter 5

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Chapter Five


A week and a half have elapsed, and we are now fully immersed in schoolwork. Our duties have doubled or tripled now that we are seniors.

One time our Council adviser has summoned me and Tomioka for a case meeting. It was about three guys and a girl causing a huge ruckus at the back of our school.

"Good morning, Tomioka-san." I greeted him as he walked through the doors of the room. He nodded as a greeting. I'm now getting used to the way he greets people. "I see we are partners in this task."


"I heard they were freshies," I began, reading the papers our adviser has tasked me to do. He'll arrive later.


"Good morning, Shinobu, Giyu." Our adviser said. I stood up as respect and bowed. Giyu also bowed a little. "If you have read the papers I have sent you, it says that four freshmen were picking fights with the other school yesterday at afternoon. I want you two to talk to the freshmen and solve the argument. Because, according to the other freshmen, they are planning to pick up a fight again today." He calmly explained to us what we have to do and has happened.

We nodded at him.

"I asked you two since you two are the calmest and sensible with children among the Hashiras. You two can talk out with the freshmen easily." He explained.

"You can count on us, Mr. Ubuyashiki." I said. He nodded at us and smiled.

"Thank you," Then he dismissed us.

Tomioka walked out from the room and I tailed him from behind.

"How do you feel being partners with me, Tomioka-san?"

"Normal, it's a duty. My opinion wouldn't matter." He replied.

"It matters to me." I said. He stopped abruptly, making me stop beside him as well.

"What?" He asked.

"What?" I asked back. Why did he suddenly stop?

"What did you just say?"

"I said, your opinion matters to me." I told him again.

"Why so?"

"Why not?" I shot my left brow up.

He just sighed and walked again.

"Good morning, young freshies." I greeted the four students in front of us. One kid looked at us confusingly.

"And who are you?" Asked the guy with a black and blue ombre hair looking intently at us. More of uh, challenging us.

"Inosuke... That's a Hashira..." Said the guy with blonde hair.

"What's a Hashira? A plant?" The Inosuke guy replied. It earned a giggle from me.

"Hashiras are the council! They are above us. They basically rule the school," The blonde guy with spiky hair explained.

He's kind of wrong though, the administration rules the school. Not us.

"Above us?! No one is above me, Zenitsu! I am master Inosuke!" Inosuke laughed hysterically. I couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. I looked beside me, and Tomioka didn't appear amused... I'd say irritated.

"Are you dumb!?" Zenitsu sighed and turned to the guy with a red scar on his face. "Can you make him understand, Tanjiro?!"

The Tanjiro kid sighed heavily. "Guys, we did something really upsetting that it got to the council. Can we at least respect them?" He said calmly. Looking at us really apologetically.

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