Chapter 18

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A week later

"Harry ?" I knock at the door

"Come in ! "

I enter the room and see him sat on his bed, playing the guitar. I step closer and he stands up to pull me into a hug.

"Harry.. I have to go back to France" I say, my head on his shoulder.

He breaks the hug, steps backwards and looks at me, a frown on his face.

"You're already leaving? You've only been here for a week" He pouts "Is everything ok ? If it's your father, you know I can talk to him and -"

"It's not my father" I interrupt. "It's Hanna. Her boyfriend cheated on her so they broke up. They've been dating for two years so she s quite distressed. And she's always been here for me since my mother's death, I want to be here for her too."

"Oh I see. I understand. That's very nice of you " he says with disappointment in his voice.

"Is it bothering you ?" It's more an affirmation than a question.

"No really it's ok" he lies. I can see in his gaze that he doesn't want to let me go. "You'll be back soon, anyway, won't you?"

"I don't know... Two weeks at least." I shrug and He gulps.

"You'll be fine Harry" I try to reassure him, taking his face in my hands.

"I guess... But I will miss you. A lot. When are you leaving ?"

"Hum... My plane is in four hours actually" I say and he gulps again. "I've already packed"


I press my lips on his one last time and run my fingers through his hair, his tongue pushing through my lips to meet mine.
"I'll miss you" I tell him

"I'll miss you too baby girl" He pouts before kissing my nose. "I hope you will be back soon"

"Don't worry I won't be gone for too long"

He wraps his arm around my body and hugs me tightly. I kiss him on the cheek and grab my luggage. I start to walk away when he shouts:

"Charlotte !"

I turn back and he looks at me with a dimpled smile.

"I love you" he simply says, his eyes shining, making my heart melt.

"I love you too Harold" I smile back and walk away.

During the flight, I think back to these last two months. My life has totally changed since I met Harry. It feels like this was a dream and now I'm coming back to reality. I would have never imagined that something like that would happen in my life. This situation is the type you dream before falling asleep. And now I made my dream my reality. I wonder how I will deal with the media and the criticism of the fans. Until now, everything was fine but now that I'm not with him anymore and that I can take step back, I'm afraid to believe everything the media say.

After landing, I decide to take the cab to go to my house where I used to live before moving to London. I haven't seen my little sister for months and as my father is working all day, it is ideal to see her now.

"Charlotte !" She shouts as I walk through the door. She runs towards me and I squat so she can pass her little arms around my neck.

"Vicky ! You grew up ! How are you baby ?" I say kissing her chubby cheeks.

"I'm not a baby" she frowns putting her hands on her waist. "I'm a lady now, I go to primary school "

"Rightttt. Of course you are, my apologies Madam" I tease and she giggles. She's so cute and I missed her so much.

"So how is the new babysitter ? And where is she anyway ?"

"She's at the neighbours'house. And she is very nice I really like her. But she will never replace you"

"Aww baby" I take her into my arms.

"Dad said you didn't want to see us again. That you had a new life and that you'll have nothing to do with this family anymore. I didn't believe it, I know he's lying, he always is" she says, surprising me. For a six years old girl she's quite mature and aware of the situation.

"I'm not giving up on this family.. If we can call this a family... I'll always come back for you babe"

"I know" she smiles and I run my hand through her curly blond hair. She looks exactly like I did when I was her age. Now my hair is not that curly but I'm still very blond and I have the same blue eyes as her.

"By the way, Hanna came to see me several times. She said you were dating Harry !"

"You remember his name ?"

"Of course I do, you're always talking about him ! You even bought me his doll before moving out ! " She giggles

"Oh yes I remember" I can t help laughing. It seems weird now to be back here and have all those memories of the time I was obsessed with One Direction. It seems that I'm back to my real life and that the last months were just a dream. "Do you still have the doll ?"

"Hum yeah but... I wanted Harry to parachute so I threw it from the window and he fell in a tin of paint outside. So Harry is blue now" she blushes and I laugh.

"It's ok babe. I just came to say hello but I'm going to see Hanna, she's feeling really bad. I'll be back tomorrow, I don't want dad to see me here. And please don't tell him I'm back home. I love you" I say and kiss her again

"Ok Charlotte I won't tell. I love you too" she replies.


"Han'" I shout from the front door. She immediately opens the door and pounces on me.

"I can't believe you left New York and your boyfriend to visit me"

"There was no way I would have let you depress yourself alone. You did so much for me, now it's my turn to be here for you." I hug her tighter.

She leads me to her room and we sit on the bed. She had prepared some tea with muffins.

"It reminds me of the good old time" I say as I bite into my cake.

"I missed this time." She admits. "Anyway what do you want to do ? I really have to do something, I don't want to think about that jerk who broke my heart" she laughs. Hanna always sees the good in things. I should try to do the same but I'm quite pessimistic.

"I don't know sweetie, you choose" I say, praying that we don't do something that requires a lot of energy because with the jet lag I have to fight against the tiredness to keep my eyes open. Which she seems to notice.

"You must be so tired though. Maybe we could just watch a movie and then we can talk when you'll feel fitter"

"Sure I'd love that"

"Do you want to call Harry first to tell him that you arrived ?"

"I don't have an international credit so I can't call him. But I gave him my Skype before leaving so I think he should call me." I say arranging a pillow behind my back.

She nods and grabs her laptop, then she chooses a film and within a minute, I'm already asleep on her bed.

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