Chapter 17

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Recommended song: taken

Harry's point of view

After leaving her in the studio so she can have fun and sing as if she was a real singer recording a song, I join the boys in the room next door for the interview. The interviewer is already here and the cameras are set. Everyone is just waiting for me.
I hate when this channel interviews us. The journalist is always disagreeable and her questions are annoying and always about our private life.

"Are you ready boys ?" The girl says in her annoying voice.

"Yeah" I mutter

"Ok let's go" she says before waving at the camera man.

"So you've just released your fifth album and it's already number one on the Billboard charts. That's quite an accomplishment! How do you feel about it ?" She starts asking

Always the same questions. Liam answers with his usual response, saying that the fans are amazing and that our success keeps surprising us.

After a few others boring questions, come the annoying and private ones.

"How many of you have got girlfriends ?" The lady asks. Of course she was going to ask that.

All of us, except Louis and Niall raise our hand.

"Harry you've been in a relationship for a very little time, haven't you ?"

"Yes hum two days actually" I'm embarrassed. It's been only two days and all the media are already informed. Usually my relationships are not revealed before a month at least. And sometimes, they're not even confirmed.

"What's her name ?"

"Charlotte" I can't help smiling while saying her name.

"And how old is she?"

What the hell, since when are they that intrusive ?

"I'm not going to answer that. You're here to interview us, as a band. Not to question my private life" I snap. The girl stares at me for before continuing.

"Ok so what can you tell us about Larry Stylinson ? That's a subject which came back at the heart of the rumours these last few days." She says. Ok so, either she didn't listen to what I've just told her, or she's totally stubborn and has no respect.

"Larry Stylinson is the name that the fans gave of my bromance with Harry" Louis takes the floor seeing that I find it difficult to stay calm.

"So you're not dating Harry ?" She raises her eyebrow. Louis looks at me at the corner of his eyes. What the fuck, this goes too far. Usually, I let Liam and Louis answer to those questions about Larry but not this time.

"What is happening between Louis and I is none of your business" I raise my voice. Louis snaps his head toward me. I immediately regret that last sentence. It was ambiguous. I didn't mean to say it that way.

"I mean, I'm not saying that something is happening between us, but just that what concerns our private life, stays private." I try to sort it out. I look at Louis, he's blushing and there is an awkward silence in the room.

"I think that's all. I'm done with the interview. Thank you for your time" the interviewer says coldly without even apologising for all her intrusive questions.

Louis immediately stands up and leaves the room. He looks quite upset so I join him outside in the corridor.

"Hey um.. Listen I'm sorry, I -"

"It's ok Harry, I get it" he interrupts

"No, it's not. Once again I messed up. I didn't mean to say that, I'm sorry. I expressed myself in the wrong way. "

Louis is turning is back to me but I can feel him rolling his eyes.

"Is everything okay here ?" I turn over and see Charlotte standing at the end of the corridor. She steps towards us.

"Yeah, we're fine" Louis mutters before joining the boys, without even looking at me.

"What's going on with you two ?" She asks

"Nothing. The interview didn't go very well, that's all"

"Oh really ? How so ?"

"The girl asked too many private questions. I got mad. Anyway did you have fun in the studio ?"

"Yeah it was great ! I sang as if I was a real singer, recording an album. I've always wanted to try something like that so that was fun" she says, her beautiful eyes sparkling. She's so cute when she's all excited.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. So, do you want to go and have a drink ? I know some cool places around here"

"I'd love too" she answers with a smile. I put my arm around her shoulder and we leave the building.

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