Chapter 27

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"Char' ?" Hanna calls me from her bed.

"Hmm ?" I mumble, half asleep

"Are you sleeping ?"

"Yes. Deeply " I smirk

"Oh well goodnight then" she answers in a sad voice.

"I'm kidding. What's up?" I ask her as I turn over in my bed to face her. She's sat on her bed, Her duvet rejected and her face distraught

"Hanna are you ok ?" I worry getting out of my bed and sitting next to hers.

"Grandma... She's at the hospital, she's been diagnosed with a throat cancer"

"Oh my god" I answer shocked. I know Hanna's grandmother very well. Han' and I used to visit her every Wednesday after school. She has always been so lovely with me. She's like the grandmother I've never had. And Hanna and her are so close.
"I'm so sorry babe" I say taking her in my arms

"I don't want her to leave. I love her so much" she sobs

"I know sweetie, I know. She's not gone yet, maybe she still has years to live." I try to reassure her

"I really hope so"
She rests her head on my shoulder and we stay like this for a few minutes before she yawns "anyway I think we should get some sleep now"

"Yes I'm exhausted" I agree, kissing her forehead before going back to my bed.


The next morning when I wake up, Harry is standing breathless in the kitchen, a bottle of water in the hand. His hair is tied in a bun and he's wearing a sport outfit. He's sweating and his clothes are sticking to his skin.

" Good morning beautiful " he says stepping towards me.

" "morning Haz" I answer him in a hoarse voice rubbing my eyes. He opens his arms and I snuggle against him. "You went running ?"

"Nah I went working out. Anyway, are you hungry ? I can cook you an egg with bacon if you want" he offers opening the fridge

"Ew no thank you. French people don't eat such things for breakfast" I giggle

"Oh yeah I forgot. What do you want then ?" He asks opening the cupboard.

"Cereals" I smirk, taking the packet. " So what are we doing today ? "

"I dunno" he shrugs "Niall and I are probably going to go to the studio this morning since we didn't finish recording our part. You could come with us, I'll show you how it works"

"Yeah sure ! Should I wake Hanna up then ?"

"No, let her sleep" he says before sitting next to me around the table with a plate full of food.

"You're going to eat all that ?" I ask surprised

"What ? I'm hungry !" He laughs and takes a bite of his fried egg.

" 'morning friends !" Niall shouts entering the kitchen, his hair is in a mess and he's only wearing a tshirt and a pair of boxers.

"Hey Nialler ! Sleep well ?" Harry asks

"Yeah, until you woke me up at 6 am to go to the sports hall " he whines

"I'm sorry, I tried to be discreet" Harry apologises.

"It's ok man" he smiles, opening the fridge.

I stand up and put my bowl in the washing machine before leaving the kitchen to take a shower. When I enter the bedroom, Hanna is still sleeping so I try to grab my clothes and my toilet bag without making any noise. I head to the bathroom and take a quick shower. I tie my hair in a quickly done bun and put on a black flared skirt with black tights and a grey tank top with a beige cardigan.
I apply only some mascara and leave the bathroom.

"Good morning sweetie !" I say stepping toward Hanna, who is now awake, giving her a small hug

"Hey Char'" she answers in a sleepy voice

"Are you ok ? Did you get to sleep ?" I ask noticing the dark shadows under her eyes.

"Not really" she makes a face and stands up to grab some clothes.

"By the ways do you have some toothpaste ? I forgot mine" I whine

"Oh shit I forgot mine too !" She shouts from the bathroom.

I take my toothbrush and knock at Harry's door.

"Hey hum I need-"

"Toothpaste right ?" He smirks opening the door, a towel wrapped around his waist. I can't help staring at the beautiful butterfly tattoo on his muscled torso.

"You're staring" he chuckles

"I know sorry but this is so hot how am I supposed to look away ?" I giggle and follow him into his bathroom.
He takes his toothbrush and puts some toothpaste on mine before doing the same for his.

"Brush teeth mate" he smirks making me remind of one of his old vine in which he was brushing his teeth.
We both lean above bathroom sink at the same time to spit, making our heads bang together.

"Ouch" I burst into laughter and he joins me.

"I'm sorry ahah"

"It's not your fault" he says rinsing his mouth before pinching the tip of my nose.

"C'mon get dressed curly, even Niall is already ready" I tease him. He grins and leaves the bathroom.
A few minutes later he reappears wearing a red shirt and black skinny jeans with caramel boots. He looks incredibly handsome and I let a whistle escape from my mouth.

"Don't whistle, you're the one who looks stunning here" he smiles, putting his arms around my waist.

"I love you" I tell him dropping my gaze in his green eyes.

"I love you more" he smiles and gives me a delicate kiss.

"I loved you first" I smirk, knowing that he can't contradict this.

"That's not fair" he whines and I stand on my tip toes to kiss him harder, running my hand through his hair.

"Ew, take a room" Louis teases, entering the room and interrupting us.

"Good morning to you too Louis" I say removing myself from Harry's embrace.

"Niall, Charlotte and I are going to the studio. We have some pieces to record" Harry announces to him.

"Charlotte too ? You're going to record with them Char' ?" Louis asks turning towards me.

"Heho Loulou wake up ! Of course I'm not, I'm just coming with them" I giggle

"Where the fuck is Niall by the way ?" Harry starts to lose patience.

"I'm coming !" Shouts the concerned one from his room. Finally he arrives and we leave.

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