Chapter 21

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Recommended song: spaces

Harry's point of view

I slam the door of the house and head to my room.

"Did you find her ?" Liam asks behind me. I wipe my tears and turn around to face him

"Yes. We broke up." I say coldly

"Why ? What happened ?" Zayn asks

"She can't be happy with me. I had to let her to go, that's all." I sigh. I really don't want to talk about this right now.

"How so ? Can you be a little bit more specific please" Niall frowns.

Great they're all gathered around me now, questioning me.

"She thought that me and Louis were in a relationship and that she was just a beard. She also said that it would have been hard for her to ignore what the media and the fans say. I know she wouldn't have been happy with me, because of the famous side." I take a deep breath and continue. "I really love her, and I want her to be happy. So I let her believe that I had manipulated her to hide my relationship with Louis"

"You did what ?!" Louis jerks

"I'm sorry Lou', but It was the only way so she can hate me enough to stay away from me and build the life she deserves." I apologise

"What the hell is wrong with you ? First you feed again the rumours with that interview we made when we arrived in New York and now, this ! Did you think of the consequences? What if she tells the media that Larry is real ? And she was so nice how could you do something like this to her ?
And now, it's not just you that she's going to hate: it s the five of us because she'll think we are in on it too ! She was our friend damn it !" He shouts before leaving the room

I go to my room and sit on the edge of my bed. I can't help shedding tears. I was so mad at her at the beginning for not trusting me and for believing that I could play with a girl's feelings. But now I understand her. She must hate me so much. I saw it in her look. It's the worst feeling ever to see the person you love more than anything looking at you with disgust and scorn. She doesn't have any respect or consideration for me anymore.
And hearing her breaking down and bursting into tears through the door was the most heartbreaking thing ever. But after all, I'm the one who did this. I broke her. It was necessary though. I know she couldn't have been happy with me, even how hard she would have tried. And after recovering from the breakup she will be happy. Won't she ?

"Can I come in ?" Liam says behind the door interrupting my thoughts.

"Yeah" I sob

He enters and sits next to me. For a few minutes neither of us say a word. I finally break the silence.

"Do you think I did the wrong thing ?" I ask, my head buried in my hands

"I think yes. Don't listen to Louis, he was just upset. What you did is very courageous. I've always thought that she wouldn't have been happy dealing with the famous side of your relationship."

"She said she was ready to face the media and the rumours, to give hope to our relationship. But, yeah she wouldn't have been happy though. I just hope she will get the life she deserves now. Succeed her studies, find a nice husband etc" I sigh

"Well right now she's probably broken hearted but yeah she should feel better afterwards. And don't worry about Louis, he won't be mad at you forever" he comforts me

"I was very harsh with her you know. I told her horrible things. I should have found another excuse to break up. I told her that she was a stupid fan naive enough to believe that I would ever care about her." I say biting my lips

"You said that ?"

"I did.." I feel so ashamed. I totally messed up.

"Well now you know for sure that she won't come back to you again" he teases

"I hope she won't be sad for too long and that she will recover from the breakup fast" I add.

Liam doesn't answer. He simply puts his hand on my shoulder and squeezes it.

"Harry ?" Louis's voice mumbles from behind the door

"I'll let you talk" Liam stands up and opens the door

"Be nice. He's having a difficult time" I hear him whisper to Louis before leaving the room

"I'm always nice" he scowls and steps toward me.

"I'm sorry Louis. I don't know what got into me. It was the most credible excuse to break up."

"It's ok" he sighs "I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have got angry so fast." He squats in front of me and puts his hands on my knees. "I care about you know. You're my... friend now and I love you. I want you to be happy. That's why I will always support your choices. And if you need to talk or not talk about it, I'll always be there"

I raise my head to look at him straight in his blue eyes.
"Thanks Loulou, it means a lot, you know that. I'm glad our relationship didn't get ruined because know" I blush. I'm always embarrassed when I talk about our past.

"I know" he smiles "We're lucky to still get on well together, after that. If it wasn't the case, it would have been hard to stand each other, especially since we're in the same band"


"C'mon don't stay alone crying, come downstairs with us" he says and I join him.

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