Chapter 15

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Recommended song: Diana

When we land in New York it's about 1 am because of the time zone.
As we slept in the plane, we're not very tired so the boys decide to watch a movie while I write an email to my father to explain to him the situation.

A few minutes after sending the email, my dad calls me via Skype.

"What the hell are you thinking ?" He immediately yells when I pick up.

Ok, so he obviously did not read the "don't-be-mad-at-me part.
Before I can reply to anything he caries on.

"Dropping your studies for that tattooed idiot ? What are you thinking ? Is that what you want ? Spoil your opportunities of doing good studies and of having a good career to hang out with five boys that are not even graduated and that will have a bad influence on you ? " he shouts

"I'm not spoiling my career and being badly influenced ! I'll go back to university in two months and in the meantime I will keep studying so I don't fail my final exams. You know how serious and conscientious I am."

"Seriously ? You're much more reckless than I thought. You really think you will have your normal life back, as if nothing had happened ? From now and until he breaks your heart to pieces, you'll be the subject of all the media and the rumours. You won't even be able to find a proper job !" He keeps yelling

I must admit he's right. But I'm not going to let him win this time.

"Liam and Zayn's girlfriends are as normal as I am and they don't have any problems with the media" I snap

"It's not only about the media ! It's also about how those boys will have a bad influence on you and how Henry will break your heart. And who will have to fix the damages ? Dad of course !" He shouts.

"Harry. His name is Harry" I snap trying to stay calm.

"Harry or Henry who cares ? He's not good for you. You have just met him and he already has a bad influence on you, bringing you away from where you should be. This kind of guy, not graduated, dating a different girl every month, drinking, smoking weed, tattooed and without a stable life, it's not good for you. Once he will hurt you, he'll throw you like a dish.
You didn't even chose the best one and the more convenient for you among the boys. You took the worst one."
The tone of his voice is much worse than anger. It's scorn and disgust towards me, his daughter.
I can't remain calm after that so I loose my temper.

"I can't believe you've just said that ! Don't you dare say that ever again ! Can't you just leave all your prejudices behind for once ? Who do you think you are to judge people like that ? I don't date guys according to their social ladder or if they're convenable. I date Harry because I love him. I always have since I've been a fan of the band. And now that I have the chance that he loves me back, I'm not gonna let him go. He's nothing like how you described him. Yes he has tattoos and yes he's in a band and so what ? He doesn't drink a lot, he doesn't smoke, he doesn't date a different girl every month, far from that actually. He's in fact the most respectful, polite, caring and generous person I've ever known. He's incredibly sweet and would never judge people, unlike you. So stop with your clichés or I'm fucking done with you. You've already ruined my life once, I won't let you ruin it another time !"

My heart is pounding in my chest because of the anger and I feel tears rolling down my cheeks. He always pushes me too far.

"Don't talk to me like that ! You're my daughter you have to respect me and thank me for what I do to put you back on the right track"

"And you, you have to stop being such a jerk and pretending that you're acting for my own good" I shout before hanging up, too pissed off to continue this conversation.

I'm so annoyed and angry right now. I throw my phone on the bed. I just want to break everything so much I'm mad at him. I allow myself to unwind on my pillow before bursting into tears on the floor.

"Charlotte ?" I hear Harry's voice from behind the door. He enters the room and rushes to me to take me into his arms.

"Char' what happened ? Are you ok ?" He worries, wiping my tears away from my cheeks.

"Yeah I'm ok. I've just told my father about you and the United States and he got very angry and pissed off. He said horrible things. He has already ruined my life once and here he is, starting again" I sob, curling up in his arms.

"I'm so sorry... Do you want to talk about it ?" He says, hugging me tighter and rubbing my back.

"Not tonight. I think I'm just going to sleep so I'm not affected by the timezone of the United States"

"Ok goodnight then. Tell me if you need anything, I will be in the room next to yours" he says lifting a strand of my hair from my forehead.

"I love you" I say and grab his collar to kiss him. He looks surprised by my gesture but quickly adds: "I love you too"

Then he leaves me alone in this huge, impersonal and modern room, which makes me feel so lonely. But I can't already share my room with him, we've been dating for only a few hours.

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