Chapter 45

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Recommended song: history

"Charlotte ?!" Niall opens the door of the house and I rush inside, my eyes searching for Harry.

"Where is he ?"

"Hello to you too"

"Where is he ?" I repeat. He rolls his eyes and shrugs.

"I don't know... He was supposed to be with you. We dropped him off at your house more than two hours ago now..."

"Shit ! You should have told me he was awake and out instead of letting me find it out when I went to visit him at the hospital !" I shout. I don't mean to be mad at him but with the situation I'm nervous and I can't help shouting.

"We tried but you don't have a phone and you didn't want to open the door when we came by yesterday. We also asked Cassie to come and tell you today but you found out first."

"Well, if I didn't open its because I wasn't home" I snap

"Anyway, we have to find him. He's just got out of the hospital, he shouldn't be outside, alone in the rain."

I look through the window. It's indeed raining cats and dogs and we can hear the rumble of the storm far away.

"I'll go"

"What's going on here ?" Zayn asks, entering the room.

"We lost Harry. He never came to my house and -" Then it hits me. It was him who rang at the door earlier. He must have seen Ben only wearing boxers and heard me taking my shower which must have made him think something was going on with the two of us, especially because I wasn't there when he woke up and when he went out of the hospital.

"I gotta go"

I don't even explain to them, and leave the house in a rush. It's raining so hard that within five seconds, I'm soaked from head to toe. Great.
I run for ten minutes, not knowing where I'm going. How am I supposed to find him in London when I have no idea where he is and when it's super foggy ?
I pass in front of Hyde Park and stop myself. He's always told me that he loved this park because there were no paparazzi and tones of people and because it's quiet and calm enough to chill out and think peacefully.

"Harry ?" I shout, still running in every direction. Thankfully, since it's raining a lot, the park is empty which is much more easier to look for him.

"Harry, where are you ?"

I keep running until I see a figure leant against a tree, face to the river. I step closer, slowly and hesitantly.

"Harry ? What are you doing here ?"

I put my hand on his shoulder but he doesn't make a move and remains quiet, turning his back to me.

"Harry look at me"

Finally, he turns towards me and his eyes meet mine, making my heart drop. I hadn't seen these beautiful green eyes for two weeks. Actually, it's like I hadn't seen him for two weeks since he was almost... dead. He's as soaked as I am and drops of rain are running down his face, making his curly hair flatten on his forehead. He's wearing a black and long coat with the collar turned up. He looks marvellous, as always.
Our gaze remains locked in each other's for a few minutes. None of us want to break this perfect moment, when we finally meet each other again, after everything we've been through. Actually, it's been a month since we "broke up". And now that it's all over, nothing can come between him and I.

A little smile pulls at his lips and he finally speaks.



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