Chapter 44

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Harry's point of view

It's like you're screaming, but no one can hear you.
I feel everything. I smell her perfume fill the room ever time she visits me, I feel her tears soaking my face, I feel her worry, her sadness, and her despair, but there's nothing I can do. I wish I could move or say something to comfort her, to tell her I'm fine and that we'll be okay but I can't.
I can hear her talking to me, her voice seems to be the only thing that's healing me. What she tells me is so beautiful and I want to reassure her and tell her that it's not her fault, that I love her, but it's like a nightmare, when you're trying to run or move and you can't do anything. I feel totally powerless.


Two weeks later

"Are you ready ?"

"Sure I am !" I grin and grab my bag. I head to the door and leave the room, Niall behind me.

"Do you have all your medicines ?"

"Yes doctor" I joke and he chuckles. We head towards the reception where Louis, Liam, Zayn and my mum are waiting for me. I try to hide my disappointment when I don't see her.

"I'm glad you're out Curly" Louis steps towards me and pulls me into a hug.

"I've been lucky, I could have been in the coma for much longer !"

I thank my doctor and my nurse by shaking their hand and grinning at them and we leave the hospital, heading towards Zayn's car.

"Charlotte is at her flat" Liam breaks the silence, answering to the question I've been dying to ask.

"Why didn't she come ?"

He doesn't answer and I try to catch Niall's gaze to ask for some help. The blonde one blushes and looks away as well.

"What ? What happened ? Zayn, tell me the truth !" I turn towards my friend who has remained silence since the beginning of the trip.

"She doesn't know you were getting out of the hospital today... Actually... Hm... She doesn't even know you're awake"

"What ?! Are you fucking serious ?!"

"C'mon mate, we barely saw her these last two weeks. She spent all of her time locked in her flat. At first she didn't want to see anyone or to eat. She was just sat on her bed, staring into space. We finally got to see her two days ago, and she was eating again. But she kept locking herself in her flat all day, without doing anything. Except when she was visiting you of course. She came every day, very early in the morning so we didn't see her. I tried to call her yesterday to tell her you were awake but she hasn't bought a new phone yet and when I went to her flat she didn't open. Louis called Cassie this morning though, she's going to go and visit her today to see how she is and tell her the news."

I gulp as I hear what Zayn's just told me. It's unbearable for me to imagine Charlotte in that state, especially when it's because of me. My poor baby, she's been through so much recently, and the worst of it is that she's blaming herself for what happened to me.

"Can you drop me off to her place please ?"

"You don't want to go home first, take a shower and just chill out or get some rest ?"

"No thank you, I've already spent two weeks sleeping, I think I don't need any more rest"

"Right" He chuckles.

Ten minutes later, the car stops at the foot of Charlotte's building and I take the stairs two by two. I knock at her door and step back when he opens the door. Ben. I stare at him and my eyes travel down his body. He's only wearing boxers and his hair is wet.

"Harry ? I didn't know you were out of the hospital !" He fakes a smile. Fucking hypocrite. I grab him by the collar and drop my gaze into his.

"Where is she ?"

"Char ? Well, still in the shower."

Still ? Did they take a shower together ? Is that why he has wet hair ? And why is he already here at 9 am, only wearing boxers ? Did he stay all night ?

"Ben ? Who's here ?" I hear Charlotte's voice from the bathroom, interrupting the thousand questions that I'm asking myself and I immediately soften. I release the hold I have on him and whisper.

"Don't tell her I'm here."

He stares at me confused for a while before replying her, his gaze never leaving mine.
"Nothing, just a mistake !"
I sigh and feel my eyes water so I get out of the building, leaving my baby girl with him.


Charlotte's point of view

"Nothing, just a mistake !" Ben shouts from the living room. I close the door of the bathroom and finish getting dressed. I gasp when I see my reflection in the mirror. I look like a ghost, with a pale face, messy hair and dark rings under my eyes that prove I haven't slept for the past two weeks.

"Are you in there ?" I hear Ben knocking at the door.

"Yeah, come in I'm done"

He opens the door and steps inside the bathroom, grabbing his clothes from the chair.

"Sorry I had left these here"

"It's okay"

"Hm... I think I should go. Thank you for your help."

"It was a pleasure Ben" I smile at him. Actually, it wasn't really a pleasure because I don't really want to see people right now, but he had lost his keys and was stuck outside so I couldn't let him pass the night outside.

"Oh and when was the last time you went to see Harry ?"

"Well yesterday, early in the morning. But I'll go back in an hour. Why ?"

"Oh, I was just wondering" he shrugs and leaves the room, avoiding my gaze.

"Is there something you're not telling me ?"

"Of course no ! I'm your friend, why would I ?"

"I don't know... Sorry I'm a bit nervous at the moment"

"It's okay, I understand. Well I'll see you soon, take care." He leans towards me to place a soft kiss on my forehead and I'm surprised by his gesture. I force a smile, feeling uncomfortable, and close the door behind him.

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