Chapter 32

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Recommended song: They don't know about us

Finally, we land in Italy for the first show of the second leg of the tour. During the journey I decide to go on Twitter, since I've been so inactive for the last few days.

@Char_Butand : Italy is such a beautiful country ! I tweet. A few seconds later, I get a notification from Harry.

@Harry_Styles : @Char_Butand you make the landscape look even more beautiful my baby girl :D

I glance at him who's sat next to me in the car. He's looking out of the window with a smirk.

"I love you" I whisper leaning towards his ear.
He turns his head. Our faces are so close, I can feel his breath on my skin.

"I love you too" He replies, his lips only a few centimetres from mine. He closes the gap by pressing his soft lips on mine.

"We've arrived !" Louis shouts from the passenger seat

The car pulls over in front of a lovely and huge hotel, and a man opens the door for me and takes my luggage before leading us to the reception desk.

A few minutes later, we enter our room. It's very spacious and luxurious but also very pretty.

"Do you like it baby girl ?" Harry asks from behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his chin on my shoulder.

"I do ! It's beautiful ! Do you always go to hotels like this on tour ?"

"Yes" he chuckles before kissing the back of my head. "The boys and I are going to the stadium for rehearsals since the show is tomorrow. Wanna come ?"

"Sure ! I'm just going to change, I'll be right back" I say before grabbing a few clothes from my suitcase and leaving the room.


The next day

"I just wanna say a massive thank you for coming to the show tonight ! And now this is Girl Almighty !" Harry shouts and the arena starts to scream.

I like to look at the concert from backstage,because it gives me a different perspective because I can see all of the arena and the boys. And I like to look at Harry on stage, he looks so happy, it's good to see that. He's overexcited and wriggles everywhere.

" I hope you're feeling what I'm feeling too" Zayn sings and Harry suddenly turns towards me.

"I get down, I get down, I get down on my knees for you" Liam continues and Harry steps towards me and kneels in my direction, a grin on his face. The fans notice me backstage and I start to feel uncomfortable, because I know a lot of them don't really like me since I'm dating Harry. I give a twisted smile to Harry who blows me a kiss and I take a few steps away so the crowd doesn't see me.


Harry's point of view

Once the concert is over, I leave the stage in a rush to meet Charlotte in the dressing room.

"Harry !" One of the managers stops me.

"Yes ?" I frown

"I need to talk to you, about Charlotte" he says, pulling me away from the lads.

"What's wrong with her ?"

"You two have to stop appearing together all the time"

"What the hell man ! She's my girlfriend !"

"Yes but you're also an icon for thousands of girls all over the world" he snaps and I roll my eyes. "You're too demonstrative. All the posts on the social media, the stuff you do on stage for her, the hundreds of pictures of you kissing each other, I mean they see you as the man of their dreams and you're going to lose all your fans if you keep acting like this !"

"Wow seriously ? After Louis, it's Charlotte ? Can't you just leave me in peace for once ?" I fire back before walking away, pissed off but he catches up with me.

"You're not the boss here. You have to stop messing around, just like the time you ran away from the airport to meet her.The fans have a certain image of you, you can't screw it up."

I don't say anything. I don't even look at him.

"Did you listen to what I've just said ?"

I glare at him as an answer and sigh before walking away.

When I enter the dressing room, Charlotte is sat on the table, chatting with Niall. I step towards her and pull her against me.

"Where were you ?" she frowns

"Talking to the manager" I sigh, taking off my shirt.

"Is everything ok ?"

"No, but it's nothing you have to worry about" I say a little bit too harshly

"Okay... thanks for telling me..." She rolls her eyes and I head to the door to see Liam in the other room.

"Drop it, he can be a little bit of a jerk when he's mad" Niall whispers behind my back

" I heard that !" I say before leaving the room and enter in Liam's " I need to talk to you about -"

"management, I know man, I heard your conversation."

"What am I supposed to do ? You've never had this problem with Sophia before."

"We're much more descreet than you are. And you've always had that reputation of the guy who like to please people and doesn't have a lasting relationship, so the fans doesn't really like the fact that your relationship with Char is becoming so serious."

"Are you saying that I'm a womanizer ?" I snap

"No I'm not. I'm just... anyway" he sighs

"Wow thanks for the support, I thought you were on my side" I say sharply.I leave the room and run into Charlotte, who, of course, must have been listening to us.

"So is that what the conversation with the manager was about ? Because of our relationship ?"


She sighs, butting her bottom lip and walks away.

"Char, wait !" I catch up with her and grab her by the wrist. She jerks away.

"What Harry ? I got it, I'm ruining the image that the fans have of you, and your reputation of being a womanizer. Do you know how many hateful tweets I get from the fans every day because I'm dating you ? They hate me, and seeing us so close make them despise me even more"

"No your not ! It's my fault, I'm not discreet enough. And don't blame yourself, on the contrary you're very useful for me to get rid of this reputation of womanizer I have, who can't have a lasting relationship."

"Very useful ? So is that what I am for you ? A way to get rid off it ?"

"No, of course not, that's not what I meant !"

She rolls her eyes and crosses her arms.

"So what now ? Do we have to be distant when we're out in public ?"

"I won't let this change anything between us. I love you, and I don't give a fuck about what the others think. I don't want to have to stay away from you, I've been waiting so long for a love like this, and I won't let anyone or anything ruin it. I promise" I search for her eyes and they finally reach mines. I clear a strand of hair off her forehead and she approaches her face from mine.

"I love you" she whispers on my lips before pressing them on mines. I wrap my arms around her neck and she wraps hers around my naked chest.

"Do you really always have to kiss each other everywhere ?" Louis teases behind us. I break the kiss and laugh. "We're leaving, put on a shirt curly" he adds with a smirk and i comply.

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