Chapter 54

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3 years later

"Char we have to go now ! Are you finally ready ?" Harry shouts from the living room. I grab my bag and a pair of black heels before joining him downstairs.

"Sorry, sorry, here I am." I apologyise, cupping his face to drop a tender kiss on his lips. I step back to look at myself in the mirror one last time, fixing my hair.

"Do I look okay ?"

"Is that question really necessary ? I mean c'mon of course you look okay. Even when you haven't spent three hours in the bathroom, sprucing yourself up" He smiles then pauses and stares at me, his eyes going wide. "Actually no. You don't look ok. You look incredibly sexy and beautiful"

"Aw thank you babe. Well Those three hours were necessary though. I want to look perfect for your last performance"

"Believe me, you do"

His lips pull into a smirk and he leans towards me to kiss me.

"Don't ! You're going to ruin my lipstick" I giggle, pushing him back. He stares at me confused before laughing.

"You're crazy"

"That's why you love me"

"Hmm I wouldn't be so sure"

"Oh shut up" I giggle

"C'mon I need a good luck kiss"

"Later, we have to go" I smile, opening the front door to exit the house.

We head towards the car and start driving to  Wembley. I can feel how nervous Harry is, his jaw clenched and his hands gripping the wheel very tight.

"Relax babe"

He nods and takes a deep breath, keeping his gaze focused on the road.

The band came to an end  3 years ago, but today is a special today. Today they decided to perform all together one last time, at a special event.

Liam is now married to Sophia and has a daughter and Zayn is getting married soon.

We all moved in a different house and at first I was a bit scared that, with that and the band splitting up we wouldn't see the lads anymore but I've realised how close we are to each other and that we're all a big family. What we have is unique and I know we'll never be able to lose touch.


"Ready boys ?" Sophia asks as we're all gathered backstage, waiting for them to go onstage

"Well.." Niall sighs looking away. I know how much the blonde one misses the band and going back there on stage makes him so emotional. It brings a lot of memories for him and for all of us.

I step towards him and give him a good luck hug before the show, then hug the other boys.

"Have fun Loulou" I whisper in the ear of my best friend.

"Oh don't worry about that love" he chuckles

He pulls back then gets ready to climb onstage. As we hear the countdown in the stadium, Harry comes back to me.

"Haz' what are you doing you're on in 30 seconds"

"I didn't have my good luck kiss"

I playfully roll my eyes but quickly cup his face with my hands and drop a gentle and loving kiss on his lips.

"20 seconds to go" I giggle

"I love you Char'" He says, crashing his lips against mine once again

"I love you too" I mumble through the kiss before pushing him to step back

"Ten seconds"

"Go. Oh and wipe off the train of lipstick on the corner of you lips"

He chuckles before returning to the boys. Then there they are, on stage for their last show ever.


An hour later

I'm standing in the VIP section with Sophia and Lou, watching the show for the nth and last time.

After singing history, Harry leaves the stage, probably to go to the bathroom and louis takes the floor.

"we're very happy to be back tonight after three years and can't believe you guys are still there for us. Tonight is a special one and a friend of mine asked us if he could do something a little bit special tonight. So of course we agreed and he's here in the crowd somewhere, probably feeling nervous as fuck. So mate it's your turn now"

Me and Sophia share a confused look, wondering who is he talking about. I  turn back to give a look around the stadium, waiting for the guy to show up when I hear my name being called in the micro.

"Miss Charlotte Butand"

I turn back surprised and see Harry standing in the aisle between the stage and the crowd, where the security usually is. His green eyes are sparkling and his lips are pulled into a wide and beautiful smile. He's wearing a beautiful floral shirt and a smart black jacket, accompanied with a slim tie. Jeez, he looks so beautiful.

I look around , confused and see all the people looking at me, Niall, Liam, Zayn and Louis standing behind Harry on the stage, a big smirk on their face, and all the cameras filming me and showing me on the big screen. wow.

When I look back at Harry, his hands are shaking even more and he nervously bites his bottom lip.

"Miss Charlotte Butand" he repeats and suddenly the whole stadium stops screaming and becomes weirdly quiet. Then, he throws his micro on the floor and grabs my hand, kneeling down.

"Harry what are you doing ..."

"Miss Charlotte Butand..." He repeats for the thrird time, his eyes never leaving mine. "... I know we've hard some hard times together. Our relationship has been far from simple but it was all worth it because in the end, after everything we've been through I realise even more how much you mean to me and how much I need you. Every day that passes, I feel even more in love with you. Nothing makes me happier than you and that's why nothing would make me happier than spending the rest of my life with you. So Charlotte, my angel, my everything, will you marry me ?"

My eyes widen and I cover my mouth with my hand, shocked by this unexpected proposal. I open my mouth to speak but no words come out. Then, his shaky hand reaches for something inside his pocket and he holds towards me a beautiful diamond ring.

"Harry... oh my god Harry"

This time I wrap my two hands around his and a wide smile spreads over my face.

"Will you ?" He asks again, so nervous that his bottom lip is shaking.

"Yes ! Yes, yes of course I will Harry ! Yes I want to ! I love you so much Harry and yes I want to spend the rest of my life with you"

I throw myself in his arms and wrap my arms around his neck, burying my head in his hair.

"I love you baby" He whispers as the crowd starts screaming and applauding very, very loudly.

I pull back but only to be able to kiss him. I give him the most passionate and loving kiss ever, as I feel him shyly putting the ring on my finger.

A few seconds later, the other boys get off the stage to hug us and congratulate us.

This is it, I'm engaged to the most amazing human being on earth, the guy I've been crazy and deeply in love since I was 16. I'm going to spend the rest of my life with the person I love the most on earth.

------------ The end ----------

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