Chapter 1

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A young boy, with bright yellow hair, striking blue eyes and three whisker marks on each cheek, ran down the streets of Konohagakure. Paint smeared all over his face and clothes, hysterically laughing all the while. The adults were seething as he ran past them, annoyed that they couldn't get anyone to reprimand the small boy. The Hokage sat in his office sighing, with his head in his hands. He watched the boy's prank and wasn't best pleased; he would see a lot more paperwork in his future. 

 After the boy had gotten away from the mob, he sat on the stone monuments. Where the previous Hokage were honoured, his musings were interrupted by a pull he felt from behind him. He quickly got ready to fight or run, depending on how the situation developed. He put his undersized arms out in front of him. An older ninja would probably laugh at the unstable footing he employed. However, he never minded the shinobi and kunoichi of the village. He actually kind of liked them. They weren't sending death glares at him for no apparent reason. The person who greeted the young boy smiled slightly at the willingness to protect himself from the young boy. The older man was standing there in his traditional Hokage garb. He knew the boy probably couldn't win in a fight against many people. Still, his readiness showed pretty advanced sensory abilities. 

 The older man walked up to the boy, and the boy dropped his stance. He knew the older man would never hurt him. As he came closer, the older man noticed the lack of a smile on the boy's face. The 1000 watt smile that had adorned his face just a few hours ago was gone without a trace. "Hello, Naruto," the old man greeted the young boy with a small smile. "Hello Jiji," the now identified Naruto greeted back unenthusiastically. The older man sat down on the stone head; he pated to beckon Naruto to sit down next to him. Naruto sat down next to him. Naruto let one leg dangle off the edge, and the other one folded and rested his head on his knee. He looked melancholily over the village that he called home. The sunset shone over the treetops. Lighting the town in brilliant orange, Naruto loved the colour. He always had an orange jumpsuit on that he had gotten from his Jiji. It also had a red swirl pattern on his back, the Uzumaki clan crest, though he didn't know that. He was struck by the fantastic beauty and serene calm that washed from the village. 

 "Makes you want to protect this place, doesn't it," The older man suddenly interrupted the pregnant silence between them. "Maybe if I wasn't so glared at," Naruto whispered back, barely holding back tears, and if the Hokage weren't a ninja, he probably wouldn't have heard him. A small regretful sigh escaped the old Hokage. The promise he made to the kid's parents came to the forefront of his mind, wondering if he had made a mistake not taking him into his house council be damned. But he didn't have the political capital to make such a move and keep Danzos grubby little mitts off Naruto. "The villagers will always fear what they don't understand," He said at last. Anger suddenly flashed in Naruto's eyes. He flew up to his feet and yelled: "What is there not to understand?! Am I not the same as their children or the other children at the orphanage?!" Tears were streaming down his face. "You're right. You are not different from the other children," The Hokage stated, not meeting the pained look in Naruto's eyes. "But, something happened on the day of your birth. The nine-tailed fox attacked, we had fail-safes, but they didn't work. A lot of people see you as the reincarnation of the fox after the fourth killed it" The Hokage swallowed slightly, Naruto didn't notice the tense hiccup in the story, and the Hokage continued. "And then you came along. Born on the same night that the fox died, you became their scapegoat, and thus their hatred for the fox fell on to you. It's not fair, and I'm doing everything I can to help you." The usually stoic Hokage nearly lost it with the lie, but he couldn't let Naruto know the whole truth yet. 

 Naruto took the story in understanding the hate he received a little better now. He didn't think he would forgive the villagers yet, but he would not hate the villagers back. So he excused himself and made his way home. He swore to himself that he would become the most powerful ninja the village had ever seen. For that, he needed to study and train. If people had seen the look in his eyes, they would have been terrified the demon fox would get more powerful than ever. 

 The next few days were quiet in Konoha. Naruto had not pulled a prank on anyone in a couple of days, and it worried the population. They all thought Narutos next stunt would be even more destructive than his latest put together. They were wrong. Naruto had not been planning any new pranks. Instead, he had snuck into the library to study. He had to sneak in because the grumpy librarian would have thrown him out. He read anything he could get his hands on. What he read most was the history of Konoha and about her Hokage. Something about the fourth and first spoke to him on a deep level. Apparently, that was the gold standard for what the village considered powerful. Not to besmirch the second and third, but they just weren't the same. Naruto had slept on top of the shelves since he made his promise. Finally, he decided to try something he had read. So he sneakily made his way out of the library, silently thanking his old pranking persona for his unintentional stealth training. 

 After making it to a small clearing in the forest, he sat down in a lotus position. Eyes closed. His hands fell into a snake seal without him knowing it, and he tried to unlock his chakra. He did as he had read and tried reaching for the energy deep within himself. Finally, after fifteen minutes, he felt something. It was dense and made him feel warm and happy. He let the energy envelop him, and a bright green coating began thrashing about around him. The trees soon began swaying towards the young boy. Flowers started blooming near the vicinity. The ground cracked in a spiderweb-like fashion underneath him. The Hokage, who had been watching through his cristal ball, nearly fainted when he saw that. He quickly ordered his secretary not to let anyone into his office and made his way towards Naruto. 

 As soon as he set his foot in the forest Naruto had been. He felt Naruto's presence. He hurried even more. A five-year-old shouldn't have so much chakra even if he were a jinchūriki. He soon arrived in the clearing where Naruto still sat. "Congratulations Naruto, You just awakened a bloodline thought lost," The older man said as he approached the young boy. Naruto slowly opened his eyes. His Jiji was there with the biggest smile Naruto had ever seen on the older man. Naruto, taken aback by the sudden lack of energy, fainted. But not after putting up a peace sign and the biggest and brightest smile he could muster. The older man chuckled slightly and walked over to the now snoring young boy. He took him into his arms and shunshin'd to his office.

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