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In the house...

After so many try she finally found the way...... But the way is difficult.....

Y/n :- What the fuck......

She leave toward the hall where everyone is sitting....

Jisoo :- Y/n.... Did you find any solution? *curious*

Y/n :- Yes unnie... I found the way of making antidote....

RM :- Woo-hoo..... I'm proud of you my little angel....

JK :- I know that you're amazing....

Suga :- Why you're still sad y/n..

Y/n :- For making antidote.... I need a human blood... And-

JK :- We all are humans so there's no problem I think...

Y/n :- There is JK....

Suga :- What is it?

Y/n :- I need a particular blood group.... AB negative...... Which is really rare in this world.... Only 1% person are having this blood....

Jisoo :- so now...

Y/n :- Did anyone of you have this blood group.

JK :- I'm A+

Jisoo :- Mine is also A+

Suga :- I'm O+

RM :- I'm also A+......... What about you?

Y/n :- AB+

Jisoo :- Is there any other way to save them?

Y/n :- I don't know...... I'll try my best to find any other way to save them...

RM :- Yeah... Good luck...

Y/n came back to lab room...

Suga :- JK..

JK :- Yes hyung..

Suga :- She's sad... Go ahead and comfort her... She need you now

JK :- OK hyung..

JK came to lab room and saw y/n sitting on ground and crying... JK run toward her and hugged her..

JK :- Relax y/n..... You did your best....

Y/n :- I'm.... I'm not good at this.... I... I can't... Save them... *crying*

JK :- Clam down.... Everyone knows how much intelligent you are.... We all believe on you.... We know you can do it..... Trust me sooner or later you can do it babe....

Y/n :- Do you still think I can?

JK :- Yes... Not only me....... Suga hyung, Namjoon hyung, Jisoo noona.....they all have a strong believe that you can do it....

Y/n :- I.. I can?

JK :- Yes you can.

They stay silent for sometime and after that JK breaks the silence...

JK :- Wanna sleep?

Y/n :- No.... It afternoon only... I'm feeling hungry...

JK :- me too.... I hope those copes will come here soon....

Y/n :- Hope so...

In the forest...

They all cross the river without any problems and after that mark cut that rope.....

Bambam :- Finally... We reach here safely.... I don't think those zombies will cross this river...

Jackson :- Hope so....

Jinyoung :- Let's go.... We've to reach in the center of the forest....

Jay B :- Yeah let's go..

Mark :- Wait hyung I'm thirsty...

Youngjae :- At least... Let's drink some water..

Yugyeom :- Yes hyung

Jinyoung :- Okay fast...

They all drink some water and continue walking toward center.... They almost reached there but suddenly they saw Jennie eating a rabbit aggressively....

Bambam :- Hyung who is she? Is she a zombie?

Jay B :- How would I know her... She's not my relative.....

Jackson :- Dude at least don't ask stupid questions...

Bambam :- I'm just trying to clear my doubts..

Jay B :- Whatever...

Jinyoung :- Can you guys please stop fighting.

Mark :- Assuming from her behavior...... She's zombie.

Youngjae :- what should we do now? She's straight in front of house.

Yugyeom :- So let's shot her....

Jinyoung :- No... Wait...

Yugyeom :- What happened hyung?

Jinyoung :- Jackson call that person who called you..... I want to talk to him.

Jackson :- OK.

Jackson called RM and give phone to Jinyoung.....

On Call....

RM :- Hello?

Jinyoung :- Mr. Kim Namjoon.. I'm Officer Jinyoung..... Are you and your friends are still safe in the house?

Namjoon :- Yes sir.

Jinyoung :- great.... We're outside the house and one lady zombie is here.... So.... When I say open you've to open the door quickly.... OK?

Namjoon :- Yes sir..

Hello everyone, I hope you'll like this part we'll meet in next part so till then..... Bye bye💜💜

Zombies And Human    Jungkook X ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang