Day 1835 (Epilogue)

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"Wake up, dumbass."

I shield my hands over my face as Katsuki pulls back the window curtains, the rays of the morning sun peeking through and hurting my eyes. Rolling onto my stomach, I bury my head into my pillow. Katsuki plops on the bed next to me with a groan. However, he quickly switches to a gentle demeanor and rubs my back as he kisses my hair.

"Come on," he mutters. "Breakfast is ready."

Slowly, I turn my head so I can face him. Katsuki has that sweet smile on his face, the one he reserves strictly for me. Glancing at the rest of his body, he still hasn't put a shirt on, which isn't surprising. Nine times out of ten, Katsuki will cook breakfast for us in just his sweatpants.

His thumb massages the spot behind my ear, which feels way too good. Now that my eyes have fully adjusted to the light, I force myself to sit up and climb out of bed. I shuffle out of the bedroom of our hotel suite without putting pants on. The shirt I'm wearing covers my boxers anyway. Katsuki buys me oversized shirts to sleep in all the time because he insists I look adorable in them. I don't complain. At least they're comfy.

I turn toward the kitchen but Katsuki, now in a thin tank top, presses a hand to my shoulder.

"Balcony," he says.

The balcony is attached to the living room, so I head in that direction. When I pull back the curtain to the door, I smile at the display. It remains on my face as I slip onto the balcony and stand beside the small table. Two plates decorate it, each one containing pancakes, sausage, and sliced grapefruit. All complemented with a glass of juice, apple for me and orange for Katsuki.

As expected. We have this same breakfast every year, seeing as on this day four years ago it was the breakfast we had on the cruise we were on, our first solo vacation as a couple. And ever since then, Katsuki's never wanted the tradition to die.

He hugs me from behind and whispers in my ear. "Happy anniversary."

I rotate my head to kiss his lips, my smile stretching from ear to ear. "Happy anniversary," I giggle.

Five years. Five whole years of having the privilege to call Katsuki my boyfriend. And even after all this time, he still gives me those same butterflies that he did on the night of our first kiss.

We sit down, the two of us eager to dig in. As we eat, Katsuki slides his leg under the table and wraps it around mine. It's a little habit he picked up a couple years ago and somehow he becomes cuter to me every time he does it.

"Five years," he says. "Holy shit. You getting sick of me yet?"

I sip my juice before smirking at him. "Only every single day."

He snickers. "Fuck you."

I pout and enlarge my eyes, giving the best innocent expression I can conjure. "I love you."

Katsuki rolls his eyes, but he fails to fight back a smile. "I love you too, idiot."

I'll never grow tired of hearing him say he loves me. My heart still melts whenever I think back to when he said those words to me for the first time. We had been dating a couple months at that point. We were in the dorms, lying in Katsuki's bed, talking about anything and everything. He smiled at me, I smiled at him, and then he just said it. No grand gestures, nothing planned out in advance, just three little words that perfectly captured Katsuki's feelings at that moment. Of course, I already knew I was in love with him back then, so saying it back was easy. And even though we've had many thrilling adventures since then, it's still one of my favorite memories of us.

I peer out past the balcony. Nabu Island looks exceptionally beautiful this morning. We've been here a few days now, and still have a couple days left. When we first got together, Katsuki suggested we come back here to celebrate our first anniversary. So we did. We took a seven day cruise that visited all the same places we did on The Unity. Then we took a cruise each year after that. Except this one. This year we wanted to switch it up a bit, so we're staying at a luxury hotel in Nabu Island for a week.

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