Day 6, Part 2

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Rody sets my purin out in front of me. "Here you go, Todoroki."

I smile at him. "Thank you."

He finishes handing out everyone's desserts. Midoriya wastes no time nibbling into his green tea cookies.

"So," Rody says, "you guys excited for the fireworks tonight?"

"Hell yeah," Kirishima says, pumping one fist in the air.

Denki nods. "I heard the firework shows at Nabu Island are always spectacular."

Rody beams. Pino chirps twice. "They are," he says. "We were docked here a couple weeks ago and they had one. Some of the best I've ever seen. You guys won't wanna miss it."

Not that I wasn't excited before, but Rody's enthusiasm has me wishing the show will just start already. But we have a couple hours before the fireworks begin. Still, my blood's pumping in anticipation of what's bound to be an amazing show.

Peering from the corner of my eye, Bakugou doesn't share the rest of our excitement. I suppose fireworks aren't his thing, which is interesting, given his quirk. I thought out of everyone, he'd be the most thrilled about it all.

But then again, he did say earlier he has a lot on his mind. Maybe that's playing a part in why he appears so disconnected right now. I wish I knew what it was so I could try to help him, but he's kept his distance from me since our parasailing ride. He told me not to take it personally, so I'm not, but it's getting harder by the minute.

"Word of advice," Rody says, "the show starts in two hours but you're gonna want to get to the pool deck early enough so you find a good seat. You should try to stay on the starboard side since that's the part of the ship that'll be facing the show."

Sero shoots a thumbs up. "Sounds good, man," he says as he chews his cheesecake. "Thanks."

Rody nods and excuses himself and Pino so they may tend to another table. Finally biting into my purin, the corners of my lips curve upward at the taste. I've yet to have a bad meal on this ship. However, my delight over the flavor is short lived as I feel a hand tap my shoulder.

Spinning around in my chair, I see Yaoyorozu standing over me. "Hey," I say, "what's up?"

She smiles. "The girls decided we want to visit the karaoke bar before the fireworks start. I came to ask if any of you wanted to join."

I raise an eyebrow. "Karaoke?"

"That sounds awesome," Kirishima says. He sinks in his seat as he offers a timid smile. "Can I invite Camie?"

Yaoyorozu giggles. "We already invited her on your behalf."

"Oh." He tilts his head toward his lap, seemingly to hide his growing blush. "Great."

She holds a hand up. "Before you ask Kaminari, yes, Shinsou is going."

Denki flashes an open mouth smile and claps his hands. "Yay! Then I'm definitely going!"

"I'm in," Sero says.

Midoriya grins. "Me too."

Yaoyorozu offers her gratitude before shifting her focus back on me. "Todoroki?"

I turn to Bakugou, since he and I are the only ones not confirmed to join. "Do you want to go?" I ask him.

His crimson eyes pierce through mine as he narrows his gaze. "Do you?"

I shrug. While karaoke is well out of my comfort zone, at least it's not the club again. Besides, it's not like I'll be expected to participate the same way my friends kept trying to get me to dance.

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